Singapore’s first Eggslut outlet in Orchard. (Source: Terry Xu / TOC)

The famous Los Angeles egg sandwich chain, Eggslut, has finally opened its doors in Singapore on Thursday (9 September) at Scoots Square in Orchard Road to predictably long queues.

Boasting the same menu as its outlet in the United States, Eggslut co-owner Jeff Vales told The Straits Times that the Singapore branch will have a mix of imported and locally sourced ingredients.

“As far as consistency goes, we have recipes, standards, guidelines and supply chains for our product that allow us to maintain a common experience,” he added.

The outlet in Singapore was opened by South Korean food company SPC Group which purchased the operating rights for the breakfast chain restaurant. It is the first Eggslut outlet in Singapore and the region.

Customers can expect to see its more popular egg sandwiches, like the “Fairfax”, as well as exclusive menu items such as the locally brewed Craft Soda in elderflower lemon and grapefruit ginger flavours.

As they waited for doors to open this morning at 11 am, a long queue of excited started to form outside along the road. Though many were seen wearing face masks and attempting to keep a socially distanced from others around them, the crowd has yet to subside.

Social distancing ambassadors were on the scene as diners queued up for a taste of the famed egg sandwiches.

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