Source: Fronds Singapore

Chairman of Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Dr Tan Cheng Bock recently announced the launch of the alternative party’s photobook titled “THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR PALM”.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday (24 Aug), Dr Tan said that the photobook looks into the party’s early journey in becoming the newest formed political party in Singapore, as well as its battle in the 2020 General Election – all presented in the form of photographs.

“This is an intimate inside look into our early journey from the beginning and through the hard fought 2020 General Elections,” he wrote.

“It has many behind the scenes snapshots, including a foreword penned by Professor Walter Woon.”

The octogenarian also noted that the book “traces an organic political movement that saw the PSP getting one of the biggest followings in recent Singapore politics”.

Dr Tan went on to say that the photobook has never-before-seen pictures with a “stunning picture narrative”.

The veteran politician also congratulated the team of editors, contributors, and party photographers for their great job in creating this photobook.

“You have exceeded all expectations to produce such an excelled photo archive that captures the spirit of PSP!” he remarked.

In his post, Dr Tan encourages the public to purchase a copy of the book, which is sold at S$35.

“We would be grateful to have your support – do purchase a copy today! Your purchase will enable PSP to continue its journey!” he concluded.

For those who are interest to purchase this photobook, you can do so by clicking on this link here.

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