Workers’ Party (WP) Member of Parliament (MP) Gerald Giam took to Facebook on Wednesday (14 April) to reveal that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) has taken measures to ease the traffic congestion issue at Hougang Capeview after he raised the issue to them.

Mr Giam noted that he wrote to LTA last month with feedback gathered from residents as well as some suggestions he made after observing the area. He revealed that LTA listened to residents’ concerns as well as his suggestions in improving the traffic situation at the mentioned area.

“In the week following my on-site assessment of the morning traffic situation outside Hougang Capeview, I gathered more feedback and suggestions from residents on how best to improve the situation. I also held discussion with MP Dennis Tan Lip Fong (WP-Hougang SMC).

“A number of his condo residents living along Upper Serangoon View had shared their concerns about the heavy traffic leading to the junction at certain times of the day. We had to ensure that solving one problem in Aljunied GRC would not create another problem in Hougang SMC!” the MP wrote.

In an earlier post, Mr Giam had said that he spent the morning of 11 March at Hougang Capeview to observe the traffic situation as this issue had been brought up to him by the residents.

He was there at 6.20am to witness the traffic flow after a number of residents complained of daily traffic jams, which can cause delays of up to 10 minutes.

Based on his observation, he found out that the congestion started at about 6.55am and cleared by about 7.20am.

“The root cause of the congestion is heavy traffic along Upper Serangoon View, with cars mostly coming from Serangoon Secondary School, Boathouse Residences and Heron Bay,” he wrote in his earlier Facebook post.

As such, he suggested  some ways to ease the traffic congestion include lengthening the yellow box along Upper Serangoon View, having vehicles there move to the right-most lane if they intend to turn right, and that vehicles exiting the car park could turn left on Upper Serangoon View since traffic is clear on that side.

After listening to his suggestions, Mr Giam noted in his most recent post on Wednesday that the LTA has decided to take up his suggestion to lengthen the yellow box. Works for it was done last week.

“LTA informed me a week later that they had taken note of residents’ concerns and took up my suggestion to lengthen the yellow box. The works were completed last week,” he said.

He added, “They went a step further and increased the green time for traffic exiting Upper Serangoon View during the morning peak hours. I thank LTA for their openness to suggestions and speed in implementing these solutions. I hope these measures will reduce the waiting time for residents leaving for work or school in the morning.”

Mr Giam concluded his post by inviting residents to raise any concerns or suggestions about any matter pertaining to Aljunied GRC to him.

He pointed out that they can do so by dropping him an email at [email protected].

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