Australia suspends defence cooperation with Myanmar, redirects aid to NGOs amid ‘escalating violence’

Australia has suspended its defence cooperation programme with Myanmar and redirected humanitarian…

Netizens lambast business groups over their concern on MOM’s new rule on dependant’s pass holders

A number of business chambers in Singapore have voiced their concerns about…

Cultural researcher and educator calls for The Substation “to be part of Singapore’s collective memory”

Cultural researcher and educator Wong Chee Ming on Saturday (6 Mar) lamented…

Govt need not fear “power of information” if S’pore exchange rate consistent with fundamentals, stabilising speculation is not theoretical: MP Jamus Lim

The Government need not fear “the power of information” if Singapore’s exchange…

Two protesters killed as Myanmar workers go on strike

Two anti-coup protesters were shot dead in Myanmar on Monday as demonstrators…

S’pore Health Minister says share of national health expenditure increased to 46% but doesn’t say it’s far below OECD’s avg

In Parliament on Friday (5 Mar), Health Minister Gan Kim Yong assured…

13 new cases of COVID-19 in Singapore; all imported

As of Monday noon (8 Mar), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has…

Make doctors’ reporting of all migrant domestic workers’ injuries to MOM mandatory, netizens say as Minister of State Gan Siow Huang says not always “discernible” for doctors to detect abuse cases

Detecting cases of abuse in migrant domestic workers may not always be…

马国前青体部长赛沙迪 来狮城上课3月薪资捐选区

马来西亚前青年及体育部长、现任麻坡国会议员赛沙迪,将来到新加坡国大李光耀公共政策学院,完成学业。 赛沙迪是在去年获得奖学金,在该学院修读公共政策课程。 他在个人脸书分享,他从去年9月就上网课,不过为了完成实体课,需要来狮城待一个月。 他也表示,在狮城进修一个月期间,本身并没资格领取议员薪水,于是把三月份薪水都捐给选区。 “我会在新加坡一个月,我不是去度假而是去读书。”他称要自我提升并更好地服务选区和马国。 去年,赛沙迪发起“一户一电脑”筹款活动,筹款达标也履行诺言剃光头答谢善心人士。 他也有意成立以青年为主的多元政党,取名马来西亚民主联合阵线,简称MUDA,也就是马来文“年轻”的意思。