In anticipation of the announcement of Budget 2021 next Tuesday (16 Feb), two community organisations have been collecting recommendations from different change-makers in Singapore to find...
A recent study released on Tuesday (9 Feb) revealed that the median household income of families who requested help from local charity Beyond Social Services fell...
The relaxation of quarantine rule for ministers returning from overseas trips is merely for trips concerning investment purposes, said Malaysia’s Health Minister, Dr Adham Baba on...
A crashed Indonesian passenger jet’s throttles showed an “anomaly” and had been repaired several times before the deadly accident, but the exact cause of last month’s...
The High Court is slated to hear oral arguments in Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s defamation suit against TOC chief editor Terry Xu at 10 am...
By now, all of Singapore would be familiar with the case of Parti Liyani, an Indonesian foreign domestic worker who was accused, charged, and later acquitted...
男友携带毒品入境中国,本地女子阿兹琳达也被捕,并在当地法院被判处死刑判决。不过目前有两名义务律师愿意襄助,以争取在当地高等法庭重新检讨此案,阿兹琳达再现一丝生机。 阿兹琳达是在五年前被卷入毒品案,实则携带毒品的是她的男友,在抵达深圳后两人被捕。 人权律师拉维,在接受本地网络媒体《独立新加坡》采访时透露,目前有两名分别来自中国上海和香港的律师,表示愿意帮忙此案,不过有鉴于官司的敏感度,他们暂不便透露姓名身份。 拉维也指出,代表律师要造访狱中的阿兹琳达也遇到阻碍,但新加坡外交部正试图让驻中国领事馆协调所需的大量文件,以协助官司。 拉维了解到,目前阿兹琳达有两个申诉管道,一个是在广东的法院检讨此案,其二则是在中国最高法院。 早前,阿兹琳达的家人担忧她将面对死刑,拉维坦言,可以理解家属当时的焦虑,但如今焦虑的阴霾暂时排除,也希望当地律师团队能取得所需资料,在新加坡领事的协助下尽快见到阿兹琳达。 有中国律师索取天价费用 拉维在不久前接受CNN新闻台采访,也曾指出在中国聘请律师非常昂贵,有者甚至索取天价,阿兹琳达家属根本无力承担。 “我尝试与一些国际友人联络,找愿意无偿打官司的律师,但她的官司程序仍在进行,我们不知何时会到下个法院的阶段。” 但CNN报导出街后,很快就有律师愿意代表阿兹琳达出庭。 拉维曾就阿兹琳达的处境,致函询问外交部,后者也在去年12月25日答复,当局知晓此事,而新加坡驻广州领事,也对阿兹琳达与另名新加坡男子尤思礼( Mohd Yusri),提供领事协助。 阿兹琳达和尤思礼,是在2015年10月24日,被深圳海关人员发现他们携带的28个手提袋内藏有超过11公斤、市价高达22万美元的冰毒。两人去年6月被判死刑。
As of Wednesday noon (10 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 15 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...
Senior Minister for Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob said in a press conference on Tuesday (9 Feb) that restaurants and other eateries in Malaysia will be permitted...
In the bipartisan spirit of supporting the elected Member of Parliament in Joo Chiat, Workers’ Party (WP) volunteer helped fix a fallen poster of People’s Action...