The Singapore government’s apparent reluctance to repeal homophobic legislation such as Section 377A of the Penal Code emboldens the policing of LGBT people in the country...
The pilot programme to allow limited number of nightlife outlets to reopen, is put on hold till future notice due to recent increase of community cases...
Statement by LGBT groups and civil society organisations in Singapore 1. We, the undersigned organisations, express our solidarity with Ashlee, the transgender student at Millennia Institute...
Earlier this month (4 January), Singapore’s Minister of State for Home Affairs Desmond Tan revealed in Parliament that the police can obtain data from national contact...
After being found liable for negligence against a patient for its delay in diagnosing her lung cancer, Changi General Hospital (CGH) on Tuesday (19 January) was...
About 51 per cent of Singaporean women working in the technology industry believe the effects of COVID-19 have delayed their career progression as they struggle to...
A Chinese lawyer nominated for a top human rights award is in poor health after years in prison, his wife told AFP Tuesday. Yu Wensheng was...
本月12日晚间8点半,在裕廊西园景路和永光路的交界处发生一起不幸车祸,一名52岁的妇女胡清琴过马路时遭罗厘撞飞,尽管送院抢救,但医生于14日下午宣布脑死,家人只能忍痛拔管。 胡清琴也是本地知名气球艺术师,甚至也曾被邀到总理住处布置气球;2012年,还参与全球最大型气球造型挑战,成功打破健力士世界纪录。 据本地英语媒体《新报》报导,原来胡清琴的儿子通过了O水平考试,为了给儿子意外惊喜,于是胡清琴在下班回家路上,买了儿子最喜欢吃的寿司准备为儿子庆祝,却不料这份寿司再也无法亲手送到儿子手上。 儿子发现妈妈晚餐时间了还未归家,便打给妈妈,孰不知接电话的却是医生,并告知妈妈已在医院。 胡清琴生前是一名幼教,喜欢手工艺,后来学习了制作气球造型,最终成为气球艺术师。不仅如此,她本着活到老学到老精神,离逝前两个月还报读了烹饪课程。 家属决定,把胡清琴的眼角膜、肝和肾捐出,遗爱人间,让她的善良能延续下去。
China defended its handling of the coronavirus pandemic Tuesday but said it would “strive to do better” after independent experts criticised the speed of its response...
A Thai woman accused of insulting the royal family was jailed Tuesday for more than 43 years, a legal rights group said, the harshest punishment ever...