Workers’ Party’s (WP) member and former Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (MP) Yee Jenn Jong said in a Facebook post on Monday (4 January) that the official launch of his book will be held next week (11 January) from 4.30pm to 5.30pm in an online forum organised by the World Scientific Singapore.

The book, titled “Journey in Blue: A peek into the Workers’ Party of Singapore”, pens in detail his life as a politician in an alternative party in Singapore.

According to the synopsis of the book, it aims to “let readers better understand the nature of the work by opposition politicians in Singapore, which has been dominated by the PAP’s narrative since 1959”.

The book also “shares his (Mr Yee) thoughts on the shape of Singapore’s politics going forward”.

In an earlier post, Mr Yee talked about the origins of the book, in which he said it began “as a casual conversation with a friend in the publishing business” around two weeks after the general election last year.

Mr Yee contested in the Marine Parade group representation constituency in GE2020.

Observing his friend’s “keen interest” in the stories he had to tell about his general election campaigns, Mr Yee said that he told his friend that he should compile his experiences in a book.

“He linked me with World Scientific. I wrote the outline and some sample chapters within a week and it was accepted. I then spent 3 weeks intensely writing all 10 chapters.

“Thereafter, it took much longer than I had thought to have facts checked, to get comments from others and to do edits after edits based on inputs from people,” said Mr Yee, thanking those who had gone through the drafts and given him valuable input.

In Monday’s post, Mr Yee revealed that the online event that will see the launching of his book is called “Beyond Party Politics: The Private and People Sectors in 2020s”, and it will feature a host of speakers sharing their thoughts on the topic.

Besides Mr Yee, other speakers who will grace the event include entrepreneur and former PAP MP Inderjit Singh as well as civil activist and journalist Kristen Han. The event will be moderated by Professor Kenneth Paul Tan.

Mr Yee also said that the online event is free and encouraged everyone to join it.

Those who are interested can sign up for the event here.

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