It was reported earlier this month that DBS India has gone ahead to merge with the struggling Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) based in Chennai (‘Indian govt seizes Chennai bank with “serious governance issues” and “forces” merger with DBS Bank India‘).

LVB has been in a bad shape for some times and desperately gasping for capital. Not only did its capital adequacy ratio fail to meet regulatory norms, but the ratio had also turned negative in the Sep quarter. Its financial position has undergone a steady decline with the bank incurring continuous losses over the last three years, eroding its net-worth.

In addition, LVB is also experiencing a continuous withdrawal of deposits and low levels of liquidity. It has experienced serious governance issues and practices in recent years, which have led to a deterioration of its financial situation.

Fortunately, DBS India came to the rescue and has announced that it would inject an additional capital of Rs2,500 crore (S$450 million) into the merged entity after acquiring LVB.

Indeed, Bloomberg has described the merger as a “rescue effort” by DBS Bank. An institutional investor advisor told Bloomberg that LVB was “pretty much insolvent” and that “the writing has been on the wall for a while”.

SIA targets beleaguered Air India

After news of DBS India “rescuing” LVB came out, news of SIA also attempting to “rescue” another Indian entity, Air India, has emerged.

It was reported by CNBC yesterday that SIA is currently in talks with its Indian partner Tata Group to jointly bid for the loss making Air India (‘Tata in talks with Singapore Airlines to bid jointly in Air India, says report‘, 27 Nov).

The bid will be through Vistara, a joint venture between Tata Group and SIA. Vistara commenced operations in 2015 with its inaugural flight between Delhi and Mumbai.

In its latest quarterly report, Air India incurred a net loss of about Rs2,570 crore (S$465 million) in the first quarter of 2020-21 as compared to a net loss of Rs785 crore (S$142 million) in the corresponding period a year ago.

“Air India Limited has been suffering continuous losses. The COVID-19 pandemic along with its related impact on aviation industry has further worsened the financial position of the company,” Indian Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri admitted.

Since July last year, a total of 50 Air India pilots submitted their resignations and started serving the notice period. However, they subsequently requested to withdraw their resignations.

Currently, Air India is sitting on a debt of Rs58,000 crore (S$10.5 billion).

An airline analyst commented, “The acquisition of Air India by Vistara could result in a substantial outlay of funds and assumption of risk by the shareholders of Vistara. SIA and Temasek would have to evaluate whether they are willing to make an investment and assume risk of such high magnitude, especially in times when there is a huge slump in the civil aviation space.”

Singapore investments into Indian assets were only possible thanks to the signing of the India–Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between Singapore and India in 2005. At the time of the signing, PM Lee said that CECA will create many opportunities for businesses and individuals on both sides.


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未缴清罚款 50辆外国车被拒入境

新加坡移民与关卡局指出,截止星期三早上8时(4月3日),基于罚款未还清,共有50辆外国注册车子被拒绝入境新加坡。 该局表示,兀兰和大士关卡的通关事件并没有因为被拒绝入境车子而受影响,所有被拒绝入境的车子都转道到其他停车空间查办。 新加坡警察部队、建屋发展局、陆路交通管理局、国家环境局和市区重建局于3月29日发表联合声明,表示从4月1日开始,若拖欠交通、停车和尾气排放罚款的外国车子,将被禁止入境。 目前,每天入境新加坡的外国车辆共多达6万辆,但是拖欠的罚款也多达40万张,罚款金额总值约3200万新元。 马来西亚新闻网《星报》周一报导指出,此举引起导致新马第二通道的关卡出现长龙。 移民局:密切关注交通情况 根据新闻媒体引述一名通勤者指出,有的驾驶者直接停车缴交罚款,没有如是做的则被迫停下回转。 移民局周三回应亚洲新闻台询问时指出,“移民局已经提前计划了有关的措施,因此通关时间不会因为要检查未缴清罚款车子而受到拖延”。 “所有被拒绝的车子都被转移到单独的停车位进行处理,因此不会影响其他交通的顺畅。” “陆路关卡的交通情况收到不同因素影响,其中包括高峰时段、学校假期,以及目前的清明节祭祖活动。” 该局会在不同的方式下,继续监控出入境交通情况,并且适时地调整资源调派。“在实施新政策的情况下,我们会继续检查有关陆路关卡的交通情况,并且寻求外国驾驶者合作,及时解决所有未缴付的罚款问题。”


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前日,主管低薪工人事务的职总助理秘书长再纳,出席《海峡时报》举行的圆桌对话会,探讨在破坏式经济时代下,国内劳动阶级的薪资模式。 受邀出席的尚有巡回大使许通美教授、淡马锡控股主席林文兴、新加坡中小企业协会会长王崇健以及清洁公司Nimbus创办人之一汤信豪。 许通美在对话会上,捍卫最低薪资制,他指出目前政府推出的就业入息补贴(WIS)和渐进式薪资模式(PW)立意虽善,但是还不够完善,他们的补贴或给付并不多,仍不足以让劳工摆脱贫穷。 所以,他提出,如果政府把渐进式薪资模式作为落实最低薪资制的先行计划,有计划逐步落实在所有领域;或者政府愿意提升WIS的补贴给付,让劳工减轻负担,才能达到效果。 目前,渐进式薪资模式进落实在保安、园艺、清洁工和电梯维修领域,保障这四大领域劳工的基本薪资,未来薪资透过参与培训、绩效表现增长。 但吊诡的是,身为职总副秘书长、理应和劳工站在一起的再纳,对于许通美的建议,说了令人困惑的话:“这不在我的职权范围,教授。”(not within my pay grade, Prof.) 这句话的潜台词似乎是:“这是我老板考虑的事,我操哪门子心呢?”…

群众问是否请反对党“群策群力”? 王瑞杰左右言他

上周六(15日),副总理王瑞杰出席由民情联系组(REACH)和亚洲新闻台主办的“群策群力,共创未来”对话会。在对话会上他倡议让国民也有机会能参与制定、涉及政策,并表示第四代领导团队自踏入政坛后,就不断与各界人士交流,倾听民声、广纳民意。 在问答交流环节,就有一名大巴窑的居民询问,出席对话会的群众是如何筛选而来?是否有反对党成员获邀参与? 这名民众认为,反对党也同样是积极参与建设民主社会的公民,既然政府要落实“以行动彰显民主的社会”,也应邀请反对党合作,才能达成真正的多元化。 对此,王瑞杰是这么回答的: “只要你的心是为了新加坡和国人好,我们可以和任何人合作。” 但他又指出,多元的观点不一定来自反对党,它可以来自方方面面,即便在内阁会议,部长们也会意见相左。 “让我们去辩论各种选项是好事。但是应避免有不同的目的,因为团结才是最重要的。迄今为止我们能引领新加坡前进,是因为我们拥有共同的目标。在共同目标下,我们可以讨论谁的方案、概念更好”。 不过,他并没有正面回应,究竟有关对话会,有没有邀请反对党成员出席、或未来有没有打算邀请。 至于对话会主持人Steven Chia则解释,并没有依据政党背景筛选对话会出席者。与会的大多涉足或在特定领域为新加坡作出贡献。 据了解,受邀者不乏非政府组织、福利团体、环保分子、工会、障友和宗教团体代表。 与会者对王瑞杰抛出涵盖社会流动、税务、社会包容性、年轻人处境等议题。…