It is so sad for our nation that COVID-19 has been used as a political football by the People’s Action Party (PAP) for its own political ends, said Peoples Voice Political Party (PV) chief Lim Tean.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (30 July), Mr Lim shared a screenshot of the top ranking countries in the Global COVID-19 Index, which indicates how well those countries have performed in handling the pandemic.

He highlighted the remarkable job Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia have done in containing the coronavirus.

However, Mr Lim noted that Singapore is nowhere to be found among the top ranking countries in the Global COVID-19 Index because it is “one of the greatest failures” globally when it comes to COVID-19, given that the country has recorded more than 51,500 infection to date as well as new daily cases consistently hitting three figures.

“It is so sad for our Nation that Covid19 has been used as a political Football by the PAP for their own political ends,” he remarked.

“And now Lee Hsien Loong has more or less confirmed that he won’t be relinquishing the reins of the premiership in February 2020 because of the crisis.”

Mr Lim went on to call out the ruling party for its “pathetic succession” and “pathetic bunch of 4G leaders”, adding that the party consists of “men of no caliber” who can’t even take over after years in government.

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