As Peoples Voice (PV) continues to unveil its running candidates, the first PV candidate revealed today was Sivakumaran Chellappa, who will be contesting against People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Lim Biow Chuan at Mountbatten SMC.

In Mr Chellappa’s manifesto video, he first brought up the issue regarding Members of Parliament (MP), asserting that they are in Parliament to “represent the interests and aspirations of the people”.

Noting how MPs are doing things “the way around” in Parliament, he expressed the need to address this.

“First, a Member of Parliament has to bear in mind that he is there to represent the interests and aspirations of the people and not the other way around.”

Having grown up in Singapore in the 70s and 80s, Mr Chellappa noticed that people’s livelihoods had been progressing economically up until the late 90s. Since then, things seemed to have “deviated”.

Despite the deviations were gradual initially, he stressed that it has become “quite drastic” and has gotten “more and more unbearable”.

Questions and doubts in Mr Chellappa’s mind inspired him to make his way into politics. He shared that he felt PV is “in sync with his line of thought”, adding that along with other PV members, the party intends to seek the people’s endorsement for them to voice up the solutions to the issues Singaporeans are facing.

“Me and my colleagues have analysed the issues that are faced by Singaporeans currently. And we had come to a lot of solution which we intend to put forward to the people and seek their endorsement.”

Furthermore, he emphasised that the economy of Singapore “belongs to the people” and not to “any specific group or individual”.

“Many in Singapore are being denied the fruits of this economy, which shall not continue. The economy of the country belongs to the people and not to any specific group or individual.”

Lastly, Mr Chellappa pledged that PV will work on this issue and ensure that it is carried out “diligently”.

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