The founder and chief of People’s Voice (PV) Lim Tean announced earlier today (24 June) that his party will be contesting Punggol West SMC.

In his Facebook post, he revealed that although there many “outstanding candidates” in PV, the party will not be able to allow all of them to contest due to limited constituencies.

“Peoples Voice is blessed with so many outstanding candidates, fired with passion to serve the interests of our People. Sadly we will not be able to field all of them as there are limited constituencies where we can contest in, due to our desire to work in unity with the other parties.”

Mr Lim also mentioned that PV’s contest in Punggol West SMC is “perfectly complementary” to their contest in Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC.

“However, after much consideration, PV has decided that we will contest Punggol West SMC in the coming elections. Our contest there is perfectly complimentary to our contest in Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC!”

He went on to describe that his party has done “tremendous outreach and groundwork” for the past 16 months in Punggol West SMC.

“Our team has also done tremendous outreach and groundwork for the last 16 months in Punggol West SMC when it previously part of Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC.”

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