In light of the dire financial situations amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one zoo in Germany is considering to slaughter some of its animals to feed other animals as its last resort.
The director of Neumünster Zoo, Verena Kaspari said that taking such drastic measures would be the last resort for the zoo, Daily Mail reported on 14 April.
“If–and this is really the worst, worst case of all–If I no longer have any money to buy feed, or if it should happen that my feed supplier is no longer able to supply due to new restrictions, then I would slaughter animals to feed other animals,” Ms Kaspari told a German news site Welt.
The Neumünster Zoo, home to more than 700 animals and over 100 species, is no longer generating revenue from visitors after the country imposed a lockdown on 15 March.
“We’ve listed the animals we’ll have to slaughter first,” Ms Kaspari remarked.
Although she did not disclose which animals would be slaughtered first, a polar bear named Vitus, which is the largest polar bear in Germany and stands nearly 12 feet tall, would be the last animal to go.
According to Ms Kaspari, the cost of feeding large animals are expensive and with no visitors during the Spring season, the zoo could lose about €175,000 worth of income.
“If it comes to it, I’ll have to euthanise animals, rather than let them starve,” she said.
Based on CNN’s report, the German Government has rolled out an economic rescue package worth up to €750 billion to spur lending to businesses, take stakes in companies and support furloughed workers. However, it is not clear whether zoos will be funded.
“We’re an association and don’t get any city money, and all the state money we’ve applied for so far hasn’t arrived yet,” Ms Kaspari added.
Germany has recorded a total of 134,753 COVID-19 cases and 3,804 death tolls to date (16 April).

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