Goh Chok Tong enjoying nature and simple pleasures of life (Photo from his Facebook page)

It was reported that Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong posted a message on his Facebook page on Monday (24 Feb) sniping at Malaysia’s Dr Mahathir saying it’s a privilege for Goh in his 70s, to “enjoy nature and the simple pleasures of life”, unlike Dr Mahathir who is in his 90s.

“We got our politics right and our planned political succession is proceeding smoothly,” the former Singapore Prime Minister added.

Goh was referring to the present political turmoil swirling in Malaysia which saw Dr Mahathir, 94, resigned as prime minister on Monday after two days of intense speculation that he would lead his political party Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) to exit the ruling coalition Pakatan Harapan (PH) and form a new government with new coalition partners.

The Malaysian King has appointed Dr Mahathir to be the interim prime minister until a new government can be formed.

Goh is on longer in the Cabinet but continues as an MP in Parliament. In 1984, then a Deputy Prime Minister, Goh promised Singaporeans that they would achieve a “Swiss standard of living” by 1999.

Working to survive

Meanwhile, more than 20 years have passed since 1999 and many elderly Singaporeans continue to struggle everyday working to survive.

According to a Reuters’ report last year, many elderly Singaporeans look for jobs after retirement because the Singapore’s CPF retirement saving scheme does not provide enough money for them to survive.

“If I don’t work, where will my income come from?” said 71 year-old Mdm Mary Lim, one of many elderly cleaners earning a meager wage clearing up to 400 plates a day at a foodstall in Singapore’s Chinatown.

“If I stop my work, how will I survive?”

Mdm Lim said her “biggest fear” was that one day she won’t “have strength left” to do her job.

In any case, according to a survey done by TOC last year, Goh as an MP earning $16,000 a month, did not pose any questions in Parliament on behalf of citizens from Jan 2016 to May 2019, during the sittings of the present 13th Parliament.

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早前,因为文章被指涉及诽谤内容,和本社总编许渊臣一同接受警方调查的读者Willy Sum(笔名),在沉寂一段时日后,于昨日撰文阐述对近期发生在自身的事件表达看法,表示自己是秉持良心发声,也吁请大家不要停止对努力建设美好社会的追求和坚持。 亲爱的新加坡国民, 对于《网络公民》许总编和我本人来说,自被“逮捕”以来,我们经历了较动荡的两周。 我当时受到警方来函,逮捕令指示我必须在指定时间内现身录供,但即使重大案件的嫌犯,也会被给与两、三星期的期限来釐清嫌疑! 在“刑事诽谤”指控下接受调查期间,我感到我被当作国家敌人般处理。即便我寄给工人党议员毕丹星、和此案完全无关的电邮和信息也要被调查,令我感到冒犯,完全没有人的尊严。 执法当局没收了我们的电子设备,这是都是我们赖以反抗现代压迫的工具,向老百姓们揭示种种的不公和差异。如果这些议题继续扫在地毯下,无需接受民众质询,民间生活不会获得改善。 促使我仍继续为社会正义落笔的原因,是我国寡头政治体系施政造成的诸多严重问题。绝对的权力几乎不受审查,国家机构的职能形同虚设!对建制派提出的质疑声音,也会遭来政府机关的蛮力威胁。 我从未诋毁并造成他人对政府失去信心,但是种种事件,包括总统制修宪、2015选举承诺跳票增消费税、屋龄40以上的老组屋屋价下跌,还有欧思礼38号风波,都在考验着国人对政府的信任。 敢问,这会是我们国父建立这个国家的价值观吗?如果不是,那么在李光耀先生仙逝后,我们的国家怎么了?我恳请大家好好思考,我们究竟要一个怎样的新加坡社会?现在的施政制度,真的符合您的理想吗? 我们作为部落客和社运份子,秉持良心竭尽心力,通常是自掏腰包和安危自负的情况下,为公众发声和争取大家的权益。但如今一个接着一个,被国家以诉讼和刑事指控来对付。若我们无法继续走下去,我们恳请您,还有更多有志之士,能把共建美好社会的使命传承下去。