Today, The Straits Times reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOF) has revealed there are five Singaporeans, who are currently on board the quarantined Japanese cruise liner, Diamond Princess.

All five are reported to be physically well and the Singapore Embassy in Tokyo is in contact with them to provide necessary consular assistance.

The Diamond Princess, has on board 2,666 guests and 1,045 crew members, who are now in their third day of a two-week quarantine. The Japanese cruise liner is currently is docked in the waters off Yokohama.

Japan’s health officials announced that there have been 41 new cases to date, and affirmed that those who had been tested positive have been transferred ashore for treatment.

The officials informed that 41 people were confirmed positive of the virus. They comprise of twenty one Japanese, eight Americans, five Australians, five Canadians, and one each from Argentina and Britain. However, none are in critical condition.

The passengers on board have been quarantined in their own rooms since Wednesday. And the Japanese health authorities are continuously screening those on aboard.

Meanwhile, it is understood that The Diamond Princess arrived at its final destination of the cruise at Yokohama, a day early, on Monday, after it was reported that an 80-year-old passenger was tested positive for the virus after disembarking in Hong Kong on January 25.

Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess have shared their stories on various social media platforms.

David Abel, a passenger of the cruise has been actively updating others through his Facebook platform by uploading pictures and video posts regarding the situation on board.

At the same time, another passenger, Yardley Wong, a Christian entrepreneur from Hong Kong, expressed her concern in a tweet. She asks others to pray for another passenger who is in a serious medical condition.

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