
A 30-year plan to redevelop Sungei Kadut is set to revitalise one of Singapore’s oldest industrial estates. The multimillion-dollar project will transform the old industrial estate into an eco-district that reflects the ideal of live, work and play.

The plan was announced on Thursday (6 Feb) morning by the Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing. Mr Chan remarked that the Sungei Kadut Eco-District will become fertile ground for growth industries like environmental and agriculture technologies.

The new 18-hectare Agri-Food Innovation Park will house high-tech production segments like alternative protein manufacturers, indoor farming and aquaculture hatcheries as well as firms and R&D centres.

Mr Chan added that “this will bring in higher value, knowledge-based jobs for Singaporeans such as systems engineers, plant scientists and aquaculture nutritionists.”

To ensure that new opportunities are utilised by the developments in Sungei Kadut, 200 hectares of land allocation have been reserved for new uses and industries, he further said.

According to Mr Chan, there are also plans to make Sungei Kadut also usable for the community after office hours. In the evenings and weekends, the public and residents can relax at the area which will have farm-to-fork eateries and farmers’ markets.

In order to optimise resources and reduce business costs, existing industries such as waste management, timbre, construction and furniture will be moved into the Singaporean state-owned real estate company, JTC Corporation’s specialised buildings for the time being, JTC announced.

Although it will take as long as 30 years to complete the revamp, the first phase has already commenced in 2019 with the relocation of related industries and furniture into JTC’s S$121 million Trendspace.

Later in 2020, relocation will be done for machinery, metal and timbre industries into TimMac, which is a S$286 million facility. In addition to this, in 2021, recycling and waste management companies will move into the Kranji Green facility whose construction cost is S$242 million.

Some firms feel that relocating into a new facility after being in the industrial estate for 30 to 40 years brings with it a good chance for them to digitally transform their operations.

The wood processing company, LHT Holdings is a company who feels as such. The company has started automating some of its processes as well as retrofitting old machines with sensors in an effort to transform the timbre business that will undergo changes due to Industry 4.0 revolution.

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中国前国务院总理李鹏,于北京时间2019年7月22日晚间11时11分辞世,享年91岁。 据新华网报导,李鹏生于1928年10月,四川成都人,1945年11月加入中国共产党,1948年被安排到苏联求学,此后历任总工程师、发电厂长、北京电业管理局长、电力工业部部长等职,协助推动中国的电站建设和电力生产,“我国电力工业的杰出领导人、核电事业的重要开创者。” 1987年11月,李鹏在六届全国人大常委会第二十三次会议上被任命为国务院代总理。1988年4月,在七届全国人大一次会议上被任命为国务院总理。 而新华网报导:“1989年春夏之交的政治风波中,在以邓小平同志为代表的老一辈无产阶级革命家坚决支持下…,采取果断措施制止动乱,平息反革命暴乱(意指六四事件),稳定了国内局势,在这场关系党和国家前途命运的重大斗争中发挥了重要作用。” 1989年5月19日,在六四事件前夕,李鹏在电视上发表措词强硬的“5·19讲话”,称 “改革开放和四化建设,人民共和国的前途和命运,已经面临严重的威胁”,并指要“旗帜鲜明地制止动乱”,讲话引起首都大学生不满。5月20日,李鹏以总理身分签署国务院令,决定自5月20日起在北京部分地区戒严。 李鹏在结束2届总理任期后,于1997年连任中央政治局常委,在党内的地位仅次于时任中央总书记的江泽民。2003年3月,74岁的李鹏卸任常委,淡出政坛。 李鹏在六四后继续担任政治局常委和总理。他在任期内领导中国的水利工程建设,更成为饱受争议的三峡工程的最大推手。 1992年,人大会议以1767票赞成、177票反对、664票弃权、25人未按表决器的结果,通过李鹏兴建三峡工程的提议。通过票数之低历史罕见,但工程仍于次年开工。