Yesterday (5 Feb), it was reported that Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed four new cases of the novel Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore.

The total number of infected cases in Singapore is now officially listed as 28.

Of the 4 new cases, one is an imported case involving a Wuhan tourist while the other 3 are linked to the people infected by a Chinese tour group from Guangxi earlier. The 3 are:

  • Husband of the infected tourist guide who brought the Gunagxi tour group to Yong Thai Hang at 24 Cavan Road
  • Husband of the infected sales staff who works at Yong Thai Hang
  • Six month-old baby who is the child of the above same infected sales staff

MOH said there is no evidence of widespread community transmission in Singapore yet.

The international news agency BNO News, which is based in the Netherlands, has been tracking the number of Wuhan coronavirus infections worldwide.

According to BNO News, the number of confirmed cases in Singapore has exceeded that of Thailand, making Singapore the second most infected country in the world after Japan, outside of China (as at 6 Feb at 12:01 a.m. ET).

This is especially so if you consider the four infected cases who travelled from Singapore to Malaysia (under Malaysia’s official count) and those who were infected in their stay in Singapore.

In China, there are currently more than 28,000 confirmed cases.


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