The Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced three more additional cases of Wuhan coronavirus infection has been confirmed in Singapore as of 29 January 2020, 2 pm.

This makes the total number of confirmed cases to be ten so far.

According to the ministry, all three cases are Chinese nationals who travelled from Wuhan, which is consistent with its assessment that more imported cases are expected from Hubei province.

There is currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore, stressed the ministry.

The ministry stated that the eighth and ninth cases are a 56-year-old female and 56-year-old male respectively. The married couple is both Chinese nationals from Wuhan who arrived together in Singapore on 19 January.

They are currently warded in isolation rooms at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

Both cases reported that they were asymptomatic during the flight to Singapore. They subsequently developed symptoms on 24 January and took a taxi to Tan Tock Seng Hospital on 27 January. They were classified as suspect cases and immediately isolated at NCID.

Subsequent test results confirmed Wuhan coronavirus infection on 28 January at about 11 pm and 29 January at about 2 pm respectively.

Prior to hospital admission, the cases stayed with their family at their home at Lorong Lew Lian.

The tenth confirmed case is a 56-year-old male Chinese national who arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 20 January. He is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

The case reported that he was asymptomatic during his flight to Singapore. He subsequently developed symptoms on 21 January and was admitted to NCID on 28 January after being identified as a suspect case at a health screening station at Marina South Pier.

Subsequent test results confirmed Wuhan coronavirus infection on 29 January at about 2 pm.

Prior to hospital admission, the case worked and lived onboard a cargo vessel.

MOH noted that it has initiated epidemiological investigations and contact tracing to identify individuals who had close contact with the cases.

According to the ministry, the three new cases are stable currently, and it is continuing to monitor their health. As for the seven previously announced cases, all of them remain in stable condition, and most are improving.

As of 29 January, 12 pm, 124 of the suspect cases have tested negative for the Wuhan coronavirus, and eight have tested positive (cases 9 and 10 were confirmed at about 2 pm).

Test results for the remaining 70 cases are pending, the ministry noted.

The ministry stated that contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing. Once identified, MOH will closely monitor all close contacts. As a precautionary measure, they will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient.

In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will be under active surveillance and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.

As of 29 January, 12pm, MOH stated that it has identified 144 close contacts. Of the 115 who are still in Singapore, 111 have been contacted and are being quarantined or isolated. Efforts are ongoing to contact the remaining four close contacts.

Cases so far:

  • Seventh case is a 35-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 23 January with family and friends.
  • Sixth case is a 56-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with his family on 19 January.
  • Fifth case is a 56-year-old female Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with her family on 18 January.
  • The fourth confirmed case is a 36-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with his family on 22 January.
  • The third case is that of a 37-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan, son of the first confirmed case who arrived on 20 Jan.
  • The second case is a 53-year-old female Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with her family on 21 January.
  • And the first confirmed case is a 66-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan, the father of the third case who arrived in Singapore on 20 Jan.
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