The Legion of Racers (LOR) Festival of Speed Arena of Speed is up and running at the Grange Road carpark behind 313 Somerset. As part of...
The recent saga of couple being investigated by the police for wearing T-shirts with anti-death penalty messages at Yellow Ribbon Prison Run brought the country together...
A toddler and teenager were among three people killed in a gunfight between security forces and independence-seeking rebels in Indonesia’s restive Papua region, the military said...
Thousands of schools were shuttered across Malaysia and Indonesia Thursday, affecting at least 1.7 million pupils, officials said, as toxic haze from rampant forest fires sent...
In order to effectively tackle the haze problem that plagues Singapore annually, the government should target its efforts at Indonesia’s provincial administrations instead of continuing to...
The Ageing and Automation Resilience Index by Mercer and Marsh & Mclennan Insights released on Wednesday (18 September) ranked Singapore as the Asian nation that is...
Asian markets mostly rose Thursday after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates but investors were left unsure about its next possible move, with focus now on...
Since 2009, the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) has named its quarterly newsletter as Panopticon. However, the newsletter was made public in July this year and can...
Last Friday (13 Sep), India’s mainstream media, Times of India, reported that the Indian state government of Odisha has appointed the “well-known development strategist and financial...
上周,耶鲁—国大学院临时取消一门名为《新加坡的异议与抵抗》的课程,院方给的给的理由是,课程“未批判性地接触多元观点”,课程建议的活动和选取讲员,也有损该校不把政党政治利益带入校园的承诺。 昨日,前资深报人暨前国会议员吴俊刚,也对于耶鲁-国大学院的这项决定,在《联合早报》专栏发表评述。 在这篇题为《新加坡不需要颜色革命》,吴俊刚显示介绍课程的背景,由本地剧作家亚菲言和课程经理Tan Yock Theng负责。 根据课纲内容,课程活动之一,包括观看独立制片人苏德祥制作“光谱行动”纪录片《1987解开阴谋》(1987: Untracing the Conspiracy)、有关香港抗争活动代表人物黄之锋的纪录片。课程也安排了学生与苏德祥对话。 同时,也邀请资深老报人巴吉尔(PN Balji)、历史工作者覃炳鑫、社运分子范国瀚、艺术家施兰(Seelan Palay)以及自由新闻工作者韩俐颖等人,与学生交流。 指课程政治意味浓厚、由异议分子包办 对此,吴俊刚指出,对稍有关注国内时事的人,这一连串名字并不陌生,都是“所谓的异议人士或反对现行体制者。” 课程被腰斩事件,也让吴俊刚联想到该学院去年的学生静坐抗议,正是颜色革命所采取的非暴力抗争手段之一。他质问,为何课程策划者要办政治意味浓厚的短期课程?且看起来“不像是个学术课程,倒十足像个非暴力抗争工作坊。” 吴俊刚也认为院方能及时拦下课程,“实属侥幸”,“这也说明,办“自由教育”(Liberal Arts Education)是有风险的,特别是外来影响乘机而入的风险。” 他指出,自由教育有博雅教育、通识教育、文科教育、人文教育、通才教育等别名,强调跨学科学习,学生参与,以及师生互动等。不过他认为,且不论是否能培养对社会有用通才,但“由于它有着美国的影响,首先就很难避免在管理上出现不同价值观和社会规范发生冲突的问题。” 他担忧政治异议活动是否已侵入我国高等学府?他也质问黄之峰是否是学习榜样?也抨击黄之峰公然邀请美国等外国势力干预中国内政;艾末末和新加坡有何关系? “有外国势力操纵” 接着他也提出对香港反修例的观点,认为背后有外国势力操纵,已是不争事实。“由于它有着美国的影响,首先就很难避免在管理上出现不同价值观和社会规范发生冲突的问题。” 对此,他表示新加坡不是另一个香港,不需要颜色革命,也指出近年来各地发生的颜色革命都离不开外部势力煽风点火。 他更斩钉截铁指出,可确定的幕后金主就包括脱胎自中央情报局(CIA)的美国国家民主基金会(National Endowment for...