Renowned local film-maker Martyn See took to his Facebook on Sunday (21 July) to explain how China can effortlessly take over Singapore from 2040 to 2050, without any interference from any military.
He said that all the People’s Republic of China (PRC) needs to do is to form an overseas campaign to persuade all Chinese Singaporeans to let go of their citizenship, and this can be “easily done by tugging at heartstrings and dangling carrots”.
In his post, he pointed in order for China to achieve this, it will will first offer Chinese Singaporeans a guarantee livelihood in their motherland.
“The PRC government will also undertake to convert your CPF savings to a freehold retirement home located in a province of your choice. You will be granted privileged citizenship with exclusive access to Google and Facebook. By then, you and your children would have immersed yourself in Han Chinese culture, having studied its languages and history in various PRC-sponsored agencies and institutions approved by the PAP government since 2020,” the film-make noted.
He added, “Your children also need not do National Service. The PLA will defend you for free as long as you pledge your eternal allegiance to 91-year-old Emperor Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)”.
After a decade of this “mass exodus to China”, by 2050, only a third of Singapore’s population will remain to defend the country, said Mr See. In order to cope with the population shortfall, he said that 2 million people from mainland China will be brought into Singapore, and they will then use the city-state as a “launching pad to the rest of Asean”.
By the time this happens, Mr See mentioned that cronies of the PAP, government leaders and affluent Singaporeans would have made their way to other developed countries like Australia or Canada, leaving behind “only pro-China lackeys to run Singapore, which is now renamed Xinjiapo”.
For individuals who are strike back at this new group of Han majority, they will be forced to make their way to re-education camps in Pulau Tekong and Pulau Ubin, explained the film-maker.
To make the matter worse, Mr See even said that there won’t be any international outcry because this will not be deemed as an invasion as “Chinese Singaporeans had willingly emigrated to the place where their forefathers had once fled from poverty”.

Nothing to be proud of in Singapore

For those patriotic individuals who label this as a “crazy idea”, Mr See asked what would they be proud about Singapore come 2050.
Below are the list of things he questioned if Singaporeans will still be proud of, adding if the PAP government has honoured any of the points listed.

Pride? What would you be proud about Singapore come 2050?
What about rights?
Freedom of speech?
Freedom of assembly and association?
Freedom of the press?
Freedom of information?
Freedom from fear of lawsuits by government leaders?
Fair treatment under the law?
Fair wages?
Equal opportunities for scholarships and jobs?
Guaranteed retirement?
Free and fair elections without gerrymandering, vote buying and biased media coverage?
Has the PAP Government honour any of the above? If not, wouldn’t relocating to China be a viable alternative?

Mr See went on further to say that in order to persuade Chinese Singaporeans to move to China and make their package even more attractive, the CCP will build a Singapore village to fit these new immigrants, “complete with your favourite bubble teas and hawker fare”.
“You will guaranteed jobs, free universal healthcare and pensions upon retirement. You can even protest – within the confines of a Speakers’ Corner in downtown Fuzhou, well-monitored by CCTVs. By then, the Chinese passport may be world’s most powerful, as the Belt And Road networks would have propel China to become the world’s ONLY economic powerhouse,” he wrote.
He then asked, “So between a secure and prosperous life in China to one in Singapore where the PAP continues to trample on your rights, which one would you prefer?”

Lack of patriotism by locals

If that is not all, Mr See also said that the current protests in Hong Kong is called “Democracy” as they’re using their rights to tell Beijing that identity, democratic freedoms and rule of law “cannot be bought with money and power”. Similarly, Taiwanese will also not join PRC solely because “Taiwan has a functioning democracy while China doesn’t”, stressed the Singaporean.
However, Mr See said things are different with Singaporeans as they have no issue being ruled by a one-party state.
He noted that Singaporeans’ “rootedness to their land is founded upon mere economic transaction”. All they want is a job so they can buy their HDB flat, and they will willingly let go of all their rights, said Mr See.
“When such a transaction becomes too lop-sided, and without a robust democratic system to empower the citizenry, Singaporeans will be amendable to sell their patriotism to the next superpower,” he noted.
Commenting on the lack of patriotism, Mr See added, “As long as we have nothing but bricks, mortar and chili crabs to defend, Singapore as a sovereign nation will diminish, as China will offer all of the above material rewards to you at a quarter of the price, and you’ll be enticed to swallow them – hook, line and sinker.”

But if we were to analyse Mr See’s theory and the possibility for it to happen, we have to first look at the net immigration to Singapore from 1990s till date.
According to Singapore’s Department of Statistics, the net migration to the city-state increased to nearly 200,000 from 1980 to 1990, compared to only 24,000 a decade earlier. This is possible after the Singapore government deliberately shifted its policy to allow more foreigners to live and work in the country.
In fact, back in 1960, the country only had a population of 1.7 million people. But in 50 years, the population has seen a change of 222% as recorded by Statistics Singapore. The country also grew by over 3.06 million in the last five decades and reached its all-time high of 5.81 million in 2018.
Although the Government refuses to provide breakdown of country of origin of for these new immigrants to Singapore, but since the racial ratio is being somewhat the same, we can still tell that a large part comes from China and a portion from Malaysia.
If that is not all, the Government is also fully focus on growing the county’s population to 6.9 million and is sticking to its plan to achieve just that.
In addition, the latest Report on Registration of Births and Deaths 2018 highlighted that Singapore’s birth rate dropped to an eight-year low at 30,039. To make things worse, the death rate increased by 1.8% from 20,905 in 2017 to 21,282 in 2018 – all due to an aging population.
As such, in order to boost the birth rate in Singapore, the country has to depend on immigrants, and with a bulk of the immigrants coming from China, means that what Mr See suggested may come true after all.

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