The link between POFMA, ISA, and all of us

by Jason Soo On Wednesday 8 May 2019, the Protection from Online…

Hyflux in talks with latest potential white knight investor Oyster Bay Fund

Debt-laden water treatment firm Hyflux has received a non-binding letter of intent…

70 per cent of elderly Singaporeans still unable to meet monthly household expenses: Joint survey between Duke-NUS and MOH

A stark majority of elderly Singaporeans aged 60 and older are still…

Are critics being too harsh on Malaysia’s year-old Pakatan Harapan government?

Malaysia’s 14th General Election went down as one of the most iconic…


工人党秘书长毕丹星强调,比起在《防止网络假消息与网络操纵法》下赋予部长的权力裁定网络假消息,司法机关才更为合适成为最初、也是最终的仲裁者。 在本周三于国会三读《防假消息法》,虽然工人党只有九票反对无法阻止该法以72票高票赞成通过,不过工人党议员们皆阐明了对该法的反对立场,特别是毕丹星认为,即便是法庭也有能力尽速裁定网络假消息个案,不必然非得把权力交予部长。 人民行动党议员符致镜在本月8日的国会辩论质疑,有鉴于网络假消息需要在数小时内尽速处理,交由法庭审核裁定是否合适。 毕丹星对此表示不认同,并以《防止骚扰法令》(POHA)为例,处理针对个人或企业组织的网络假消息也可以很迅速。 国会也在本月7日三读通过《防止骚扰法》修正,也拟议增设针对网络和非网络的骚扰案件的法庭,在48-72小时内加速处理保护令审讯;同时,受害者可单方面申请临时通知命令(interim order)。 “所以我并不认同符议员观点,除非是我误解了,在《防止骚扰法》下人们在面对假消息时,无法预期迅速有效的处理方案?” 毕丹星坚信法庭其实是能够以最快速度完成程序。 符致镜:各专业领域公务员对付假消息 符致镜则反问,网络假消息无所不在,何以要舍弃在治安、卫生、经济等各领域有专业经验的16名部长和13万5000名公务员不用,即便增强司法机关,后者又需要用多久时间尽速对付假消息? 他也区分,《防止骚扰法》旨在解决针对个人隐私权遭侵犯等私人问题;而《防假消息法》是针对社会公众利益、暴乱以及种族不和谐而设立。 符致镜认为虽然《防止骚扰法》与《防假消息法》所处理都是非同小可的案件,但《防假消息法》案攸关社会公众利益的问题,需要尽速处理,相较之下,《免受骚扰法》所处理的案件并不如《防假消息法》紧急。…

“All I’m asking the court is to give me a sort of leave of absence…let me rest” – Jeanne-Marie Ten struggles with depression over case against NUS

Coming to the tail-end of her 13 year legal battle with the…

Young Singaporean, Damien Koh, stands out with passion for boxing and robotics

Damien Koh, an 18-year old with a passion for boxing and electronics…

Netizens praise Workers’ Party for their effort to stand against POFMA

On Wednesday (8 May), at around 10.20pm, the controversial Protection from Online…

Former MLC members clash a in word of wars on Facebook – one says the other is ‘inconsistent’, the other says he was misrepresented

A debate unfolded on Facebook these past few days which was ignited…

Govt changes rules to make it easier for buyers to buy old flats with short depreciating lease

The government announced yesterday (9 May) changes to CPF (Central Provident Fund)…