Brad Bowyer, a recently-well-known political activist, took to his Facebook on Monday (29 April) to question Education Minister Ong Ye Kung on a number of different...
by Brad Bowyer But this is the typical scenario we see playing out again and again when another institutional failing is thrown into the public eye....
The District Court of Hong Kong has found Singapore-based shipping agent APL and one of its captains guilty on Mon (29 Apr) for transporting nine Singapore...
On Saturday morning (27 April), it was reported that “loud sounds” were heard at around 11.30am in different parts of Singapore, including Orchard and Bukit Timah....
On Sunday (28 April), a gathering was held at Hong Lim Park where members of the public voiced their concerns over the proposed Protection from Online...
Straits Times (ST) senior correspondent Tan Ee Lyn left National University of Singapore (NUS) last year November — the same month in which her former student...
In case you’ve not heard it, famous travel vblogger Nuseir Yassin, better known as the founder of Nas Daily, has officially moved to Singapore with his...
The Singapore High Court imposed a fine of S$5,000 against social worker Jolovan Wham and senior opposition politician John Tan Liang Joo respectively on Mon (29...
在过去的八个月里,新加坡地铁公司(SMRT)人事部(HR)约30名高管,和两名高级工程师都递上了辞呈。 自许庆瑞离职后开始 有关的人力资源外流事件始于负责资讯科技、采购、人力资源和培训的该集团首席企业长许庆瑞(Gerard Koh)于去年年中提出辞呈后。49岁的许庆瑞,现任NCS资讯科技集团的人事部主管。 他离开SMRT之后,该集团人事部开始了一系列的辞职行动。据《海峡时报》了解,共有约30名来自不同级别的人员已经离职或已经递交辞呈。 其中包括50岁的前新加坡武装部队上校李炎珠,她于去年加入该集团,成为汤申-东海岸地铁线部门的人事部高管。 SMRT集团去年8月有高层人事变动,由55岁的梁建鸿取代56岁的郭木财,担任该集团首席执行长。两人都曾是三军总长。之后,郭木财加入瑞士银行集团(UBS),担任全球财富管理副主席。 而最近辞职的非人事部高管包括了59岁的维修与工程高级副总裁谢振华,以及在由郭木财于五年前设置的SMRT子公司新加坡铁路工程有限公司(Singapore Rail Engineering)中,任职董事经理的马里奥·发哇迪斯(Mario Favaits,47岁)。 他们是自去年8月以来,辞职的最高级工程人员。 新首席乘客关系总监离职 其他受到辞职潮影响的部门包括了企业通讯部。44岁的SMRT首席乘客关系总监许琳琳在新任职位就职一年多后,她也辞职。 SMRT发言人在受询时表示,“由于我们不断加强组织,提高列车服务表现和可靠度,我们也使得编制更精简,并且会从总公司调动人员” 。 针对许琳琳的辞职,发言人表示,“在许琳琳担任首席乘客关系总监期间,她实施了数项以通勤为中心的措施。我们感谢她在加强通勤经验方面所做出的贡献,并祝愿她在未来一切顺利” 。 她也提到,战略沟通负责人David Yeo 将于5月1日开始接手许琳琳的工作。 与此同此,有消息人士预计,一旦下个月支付了年度奖金后,将会有更多人离职。 或因调整感错位而离职 人力资源公司PeopleWorldwide Consulting董事总经理David Leong...
Members of the arts community and civil society in Singapore – 28 groups in total – released a joint statement expressing shared concerns over the Protection...