Dr Lee Weiling shared that the Attorney-General’s Chambers has lodged a complaint which consisted of over 500 pages of documents to the Singapore Law Society against Ms Lee Suet Fern, wife of her brother, Lee Hsien Yang over the alleged involvement in the preparation of late Lee Kuan Yew’s will.

The daughter of Singapore’s first Prime Minister posted this information on her Facebook page on Sunday late evening and  the post was shared by Mr Lee Hsien Yang on his Facebook page.

According to Dr Lee, AGC repeats the allegations made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong about LKY’s will through his personal lawyer, Lucien Wong, who is the current Attorney General. PM Lee had raised questions about Ms Lee Suet Fern’s apparent conflict of interest that she was involved in the Last Will while her husband was a beneficiary and stood to gain from the removal of Dr Lee’s extra share.

While it is said that AGC claims that Mr Wong who is PM Lee’s former lawyer, had recused himself from this matter, Mr Hri Kumar who is the former People’s Action Party Member of Parliament is the deputy Attorney General.

Dr Lee wrote, “As far as we know, this is an unprecedented use of such legal process involving a private will.”

She states that her brother, PM Lee has been unhappy with their father’s will and his wish to demolish the house at 38 Oxley Road.

Noting that LKY informed all his children and his lawyer at Lee & Lee when he completed his final will and codicil 5 years ago, Dr Lee wrote that the estate secured probate for the will in 2015 under PM Lee’s urging.

She wrote, “At the time, all parties including Hsien Loong accepted the will as representing Lee Kuan Yew’s true wishes” and PM Lee sought to attack the accepted will through a committee formed by his ministers in 2016 and 2017.

It was earlier mentioned that the committee did not inform Dr Lee and Mr Lee Hsien Yang about who was on the board of committee and was only revealed after their statement in 2017 alleging the abuse of powers of PM Lee and his spouse, Ho Ching.

Dr Lee notes, “Lee Kuan Yew, a highly regarded lawyer, never complained about his will. No beneficiary has complained to the Law Society, not even Hsien Loong who was advised by Lucien Wong (previously his personal lawyer, now AG). Why therefore this new attack on our father’s will? Why is this being initiated now, and by the AGC, after all this time? Our view is that this action is wholly without merit.”

AGC relentless in prosecution of LKY’s grandson

Dr Lee also voiced out against AGC’s relentless pursue in its prosecution of her nephew, Li Shengwu for a private Facebook post which is said to be in contempt of court. It is earlier noted by her nephew that he was served with the charge by AGC in United States in a public area.

She also pointed out that the AGC has not prosecuted any party who shared or published his private post.

In fact, TOC notes that it was AGC which publicised his private post by sending out press statements to the media outlets saying that they are investigating Li Shengwu’s private post after a media query. His private post was leaked out by SMRT Feedback and also posted by Observer+ which is a website affiliated with SMRT Feedback.

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三周后才通知客工确诊 人力部、卫生部称“行政疏失”向雇主道歉!

上周二,名为詹德拉的雇主,在脸书分享,在7月13日收到通知旗下一名客工确诊,但迟迟未被当局安排送往隔离中心,客工仍继续和11名室友同处一室。焦急万分、求助无门下,雇主只得上网把这件事情公开,求各界帮忙想办法。 卫生部和人力部在7月19日的联合文告,承认出现“行政疏失”(administrative error),迟至三周后才通知雇主有客工确诊,并向有关雇主道歉。 两个部门指出,上述确诊客工住在卓源宿舍,当局已联系雇主作出解释;与此同时,12名同室客工状况良好,且测试期间仍有医疗人员观察他们情况,也未出现急促呼吸症状。 有关客工和七名室友已痊愈,其余四名中,有三名新近感染,被送到社区护理中心,还有一名未被传染,但会在政府的隔离设施完成最后的隔离期。 根据早前詹德拉的脸书贴文,他指出客工是在6月22日接受冠病检测,但迟至7月13日才收到卫生部的简讯通知客工确诊。然而,即使客工主动要求隔离,也被宿舍保安告知没有空房,结果12客工仍继续共处一室,仅被要求戴上口罩。 詹德拉曾联系卫生部告知此事,但之后却仍没有动静,15日再拨电询问,岂知却被告知“系统中没有记录”,令詹德拉感到不论是宿舍和政府机构好像都在“踢皮球”。 根据卫生部文告,卓源宿舍从4月6日起就已被令隔离,6月22日,当局为客工进行抽样检测,以评估病毒的传播程度,让当局制定排查宿舍疫情的策略。 文告澄清,有关抽样检测不是针对个人的检测。上述客工和他11位室友,都被选中参与群体样本检测,而检测结果显示12位同室客工,有很大可能都被感染。 然而该部称,当局进行群体检测时却出现行政疏失,结果取样回来的拭子样本,只拿到上述确诊客工的。