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Resigned SBS Transit CEO alleged caught having affairs with subordinates by private investigator company



It was reported in the Straits Times yesterday that SBS Transit CEO Gan Juay Kiat has tendered his resignation to take responsibility for a “personal indiscretion” (“SBS Transit CEO Gan Juay Kiat resigns over ‘personal indiscretion’“,28 Dec).

Gan, a former President and SAF scholar has been with the ComfortDelGro-owned transport group for 11 years. He is married with grown-up children and has helped place SBS Transit as an efficient multi-modal operator, ST reported.

“The Straits Times understands the incident involves an extra-marital relationship,” ST further added.

Zaobao, however, reported today that he was said to have resigned over extra-marital affairs with subordinate(s) (“传与下属发生婚外情,新捷运总裁颜睿杰辞职“, 29 Dec).

Zaobao source came from Instagram postings by a “singapore_private_investigator“, which posted a video and a picture of Gan’s “indiscretion” online:

Private Investigator Kokusai Security 

Apparently, the “singapore_private_investigator” Instagram channel belongs to Kokusai Security Pte Ltd which was founded in 1984, according to its website information.

It said, “Most qualified and a leading private investigator/detective in Singapore. Established since 1984. Graded ‘A’ (Excellent) by Singapore Police Force. Certified Bizsafe “Star”. Managed by ex-police superintendent, former Commissioner of Prisons and ex Law Enforcement Officers with integrity and loyalty. Our professionalism, dedication and proactive management have earned us wide media coverage on CNN and BBC news as a well organized and leading Private Investigation Agency in the World.”

On its Instagram postings of Gan’s “indiscretion”, it said Gan had “multiple affairs with subordinates/married women within a month”. It added that it had consent from their clients to have the video and photo posted (Gan can be seen clearly in the video and photo but the faces of the women were masked off):

61 years old SBS Transit CEO caught having multiple affairs with subordinates/married women within a month. (Affairs captured with different women in Singapore during office hours/weekends and overseas).

Posted with the consent of our client to prevent sabotages/women being cheated/break marriages and abuse of authority.

Police Catch Criminal, we Catch sinners – Betrayal of trust.

Catch Cheating Spouse, Beyond Social Media. +65 62929293

It’s not known who appointed Kokusai Security to trail Gan so as to capture his escapades.

Despite Gan’s “indiscretion”, SBS Transit Chairman Lim Jit Poh still says Gan is a good CEO. He told the media, “We have lost a good CEO, who has done much for land transport in Singapore.”

Indeed, if Gan can have affairs during office hours and still enable SBS Transit to be an “efficient multi-modal operator”, he must really be good.

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