by ValueChampion Are you thinking of going on a hiking trip for your next holiday? Read on to find out some of the top trekking spots in...
by ValueChampion Are you still trying to figure out what to get for your kids this Christmas? Here are 3 gift ideas your kids will love and...
by ValueChampion Investing in art may seem en vogue or even financially advantageous. But what do art investing novices need to know before diving into this market?...
by ValueChampion Sharent’s brand new app allows users to rent under used items from other users, which allows them to save money and reduce their overall consumption....
According to latest Ministry of Manpower (MOM) report on the labour market in Singapore, residents in Singapore clocked in 44.9 hours of paid work (standard work...
Malaysia and Singapore should resolve the ongoing border disputes in a way that will result in “a win-win situation” and “not get entangled in unnecessary issues,”...
A maritime dispute has recently broken out between Singapore and Malaysia. Malaysia has also expressed its intent to take back control of its airspace over southern...
Singapore’s Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin shared an infographic from the Straits Times about the airspace dipute between Malaysia and Singapore, specifically with points of an...
The recent maritime dispute between Singapore and Malaysia has put a spotlight on Singapore’s land reclamation at Tuas. Last Thu (6 Dec), Transport Minister Khaw Boon...
国家发展部于今日发文告,公布已提交各市镇会2017年财政报告予国会,民众也可到市镇会网站查阅完整报告。 有关2017财政年市镇会报告,是针对去年四月至今年三月的表现进行评估,依据市镇会管辖的清洁、维修管理、电梯性能、水价和服务与杂费(S&CC)欠款管理和企业治理(corporate governance)等方面接受评估。 根据国家发展部文告,大部分市镇会的2017年财政年财务报表的审计结果为“无保留”(unqualified),但阿裕尼-后港市镇会的财务报表,则被外部审计师评估为“有所保留”(qualified)。 至于获评估“有所保留”的原因,乃是该市镇会未实时记录花费,内部控管薄弱。国家发展部称,这是阿裕尼-后港市镇会连续七年,被外部审计师评估其财报“有所保留”。 也因此,阿裕尼-后港市镇会在企业管理方面,获得“琥珀色”评级。 不过, 在十六个市镇会中,还有另外三家市镇会也获得琥珀色评级,即:碧山-大巴窑市镇会、淡滨尼市镇会和丹戎巴葛市镇会。 四市镇会在企业治理上仅获琥珀评级 碧山-大巴窑市镇会并没有遵照市镇会财务准则,在收到报价后在市镇会内公开讯息流通。 淡滨尼市镇会则误把运营基金的数额,转移到偿债基金和电梯更换基金。报告称,有关市会虽已发现并更正此计算失误,但是有关正确数额在极度结束后的一个月内还没有转移,因此属不合规情况。 至于丹戎巴葛市镇会,在已经支出后,才从其他地方转移预算到“清洁和公用事务开支”上。 至于在园区维修管理上,也有五家市镇会仅获琥珀色评级,即:阿裕尼-后港市镇会、东海岸-凤山市镇会、惹兰勿刹市镇会、裕廊-金文泰市镇会以及淡滨尼市镇会。 另一方面,在园区整洁、电梯维修保养和水价和服务与杂费管理事项上,所有市镇会都获得绿色评级。