Malaysia and Singapore should resolve the ongoing border disputes in a way that will result in “a win-win situation” and “not get entangled in unnecessary issues,” said the Crown Prince of Johor Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim.

In a Facebook post on Thursday (Dec 13), he wrote: “On my right is Prem Singh from the Singapore Special Branch. He has been taking care of me for nine years.

“On my left is Leftenan Kolonel Samsyawal bin Muhamad from the Malaysian Special Forces (Gerak Khas), who was my sniper buddy when I did my Young Officer’s course in PULADA in 2002. He has been working with me for the last three years.

“I don’t need to introduce myself, I’m from Johor,” he joked.

Getting to the message that underlies the spirit of the photograph he posted, the Crown Prince said: “Here I am in the middle between Singapore and Malaysia. The three of us are good friends, working well in the same organisation.”

“I hope the countries can find a solution that is a win-win situation to prosper together and not get entangled in unnecessary issues,” concluded HRH Tunku Ismail.

While some commenters praised the Crown Prince’s sentiment, other commenters do not appear to be convinced:

Translation of Mohd Solihudin’s comment: “Singapore is the one who is using Johor’s airspace to assist flight landings in Seletar Airport… There is no need for [a] “win2″ [situation], Singapore should not infringe on Johor’s and Malaysia’s airspace rights.. Simple”

Translation of Muhammad Firdaus Mohchil’s comment: “Pasir Gudang residents have had enough of the irritating, disruptive sounds of Singapore fighter jets, particularly when we are chilling and watching television. Soon, Pasir Gudang residents will have to face [the sounds of] commercial airplanes… Sigh…”

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总理称两周后晋第三阶段 群聚人数增至八人

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