The results of the 2018 Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) will be released on Thursday (22 November 2018) and the results may be obtained from their respective primary schools from 11.00 am on that day, the Ministry of Education announced in a press release on Thursday (15 November).

The ministry said that eligible students will receive option forms to select secondary schools when they collect their results slips. Students should discuss their secondary school choices with their parents before they complete the Secondary 1 (S1) Option Forms.

In every S1 Option Form, there will be a unique S1 Personal Identification Number (S1 PIN) which can be found at the top right-hand corner of the form. The S1 PIN can be used to submit the secondary school options online via the Secondary 1 Internet System (S1-IS). The S1-IS will be accessible from 11.00am on 22 November 2018 to 3.00pm on 28 November 2018 through the MOE’s website.

The ministry said that students, in discussion with their parents, should first consider their secondary school choices, make their decision, and then complete the option form before logging on to the S1-IS, which will help to facilitate the smooth completion of their online submission.

Alternatively, the option form can be submitted through the student’s primary school. Submission at primary schools can be made during the following timeslots: 11.00 am to 3.00 pm on 22 November 2018, and 9.00 am to 3.00 pm on 23, 26, 27 and 28 November 2018.

The S1 Posting Results will be released a day before on 19 December 2018. Students can access the result through any of the following channels:

  • Short Message Service (SMS) via a local mobile number (if provided by the applicant during the application process).
  • S1-IS at MOE’s website.
  • At the student’s primary school.

The ministry then noted that the students required to report on 20 December 2018 at 8.30 am to the secondary schools they are posted to.

More information on the S1 Posting Process and S1-IS is available at MOE’s S1 Posting website and in the information booklet entitled “Choosing Your Secondary Schools” distributed to Primary 6 students. For enquiries, parents can call the MOE Customer Service Centre at 6872 2220 on weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm, and from 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays.

Specialised Schools for Normal (Technical) students (SSNTs) – Crest Secondary School and Spectra Secondary School – offer an alternative educational pathway for students eligible for the Normal (Technical) course, who have an interest in practice-oriented, hands-on learning.

The schools offer a customised skills-based curriculum and exposure to authentic learning opportunities, putting students in good stead for progression to the ITE. The SSNTs also provide a whole-school environment that emphasises values, socio-emotional learning and character-building – which in turn helps to nurture more holistic and confident learners, ready for future challenges.

Meanwhile, students in the SSNTs will study GCE Normal (Technical)-Level English Language, Mother Tongue Language and Mathematics. Selected students can also take Science as an additional subject.

As part of Subject-Based Banding, eligible students can also take selected subjects at Normal (Academic)-Level. In addition, Secondary 3 students will be able to specialise in two of five skills subjects offered under the new ITE Skills Subject Certificate (ISSC) from 2021.

The ministry noted that the ISSC will replace the ITE Skills Certificate (ISC), providing a more broad-based curriculum that widens students’ exposure to different industry growth areas.

As for students who are eligible for the Normal (Technical) course and are interested to study in Crest Secondary School or Spectra Secondary School, they should apply directly to these schools from 11.00 am on 22 November 2018 until 12.00 pm on 26 November 2018.

In addition, these students are also required to indicate their choices for other secondary schools under the S1 Posting Process, which will ensure that those who are not admitted into Crest or Spectra can be posted to another school of their choice in a timely and seamless manner.

Application forms for these two schools will be available from the primary schools when students receive their results, or from the two schools’ websites. Students successfully admitted into Crest or Spectra will be informed by the schools via mail and SMS by 13 December 2018.

More information on Crest Secondary School and Spectra Secondary School can be found on the schools’ websites and the information booklet entitled “Choosing Your Secondary Schools”.

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