Singaporeans might underestimate the consequences of deliberate online falsehoods despite not being “naive” about them: SMOS Edwin Tong

While Singaporeans are not gullible about online falsehoods, there appears to be…

Blog post alleges greater lapses in procurement in other government agencies than in AHTC based on audit data observations

An unidentified author by the name, Kueh Lapis, hosted on GitHub, has made…

Search teams still scouring the Java Sea for what’s left of Lion Air flight JT 610

On Monday, Lion Air flight JT 610 crashed into the sea just…

Current President confers Order of Temasek (First Class) to previous President

At the Meritorious Service Medal award ceremony held in Institute of Technical…

Doctor writes to forum: Errant SAF commanders and MOs who revoke NSFs’ medical leave should be reported

A member of the public, Dr Tan Soo Heong, wrote to ST…

Public Assistance increased at an ‘miserly’ annual rate of $18 for the last 15 years?

Are we ‘miserly’ in helping destitute Singaporeans? I refer to the article…

Hope that Mr Chan would stop playing at semantics and actually work at policy

Wow, the narrative has just grown even more creative! From the government’s…

Over a thousand people showed up for HUAWEI Mate 20 series launch

Huawei Consumer Business Group Singapore recently launched the latest HUAWEI Mate 20…


于今早从印尼首都雅加达起飞的一架印尼狮航编号JT610客机,在起飞13分钟后失联,目前已证实坠毁离首都苏加诺-哈达国际机场(Soekarno-Hatta)24公里外的爪哇海上。 这架飞机载有189人,包括三名孩童(两名婴儿)、两名飞行员和无名机组人员。 印尼国家灾难管理局发言人苏托坡表示,搜救人员在西爪哇加拉旺(Karawang)海域找到疑似印尼狮航JT610失联客机的部分残骸。搜救队伍在该海域捞出人体断肢、以及乘客的私人物品。 Saat ini tim SAR Basarnas melakukan penyelaman dikoordinat 05…

研究:15%心脏病患是司机 私召车赚过万收入有代价

新加坡亚歷山卓医院发表报告,显示新国心臟疾病患者当中,有高达15巴仙的患者是德士、巴士及罗里司机,主要原因是工时长、久坐、饮食习惯差和缺乏运动等。 报告指出,相较于工作7至8小时的人,工作超过11小时的人患冠状动脉心臟病的风险更高。公共交通业者容易患心臟疾病有许多原因,而高压力情况是导致高血压的原因之一,尤其是巴士司机。 数据中也发现,居多德士司机过于肥胖、有高血压、糖尿病和高胆固醇。甚至有司机除了驾车之外,还有其他兼职工作,每天喝超过3杯含咖啡因的饮料。 新加坡私召车公司Grab则在今日开始,落实新计划,声称将保障司机最低收入。这个月入保证计划把司机分为四个等级:翡翠、红宝石、蓝宝石和钻石,月入以每周载客趟数为标准。例如制度中的顶级钻石司机,只要每周达到180趟的载客量,月入保证有1万1888元。 至于每周完成50趟数的翡翠级,即便车费收入未达到2400元,Grab公司将补足差额。在扣除20巴仙的佣金后,司机实得1920元。 Grab 月入保证计划 保证月入 每周载客趟数 翡翠 红宝石 蓝宝石…