Source: TODAY Online

The People’s Action Party (PAP) Community Foundation (PCF) has announced its plan to accommodate 15,000 additional pre-school children in its centres throughout the next five years.

The announcement was made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the Guest of Honour at PCF’s annual Family Day at Gardens By The Bay last Sunday (9 Sep), who also noted that nearly 10,000 places have been created by PCF Sparkletots in its nurseries.

“In the next five years, we’re going to provide pre-school for another 15,000 children by building larger pre-schools and upgrading existing ones,” said Mr Lee, while adding that “providing affordable, high quality pre-school education is one important way that the Government and the PCF are helping young families cope with the cost of living.”

In a bid to reassure dual-income parents of Sparkletots preschoolers, he mentioned that “their children will be well-taken care of when they are both at work”.

The PCF runs Sparkletots preschools, and is the largest preschool operator islandwide. PCF centres receive subsidies under the Anchor Operator Scheme.

The Foundation also runs Sparkle Care for senior citizens.

By mid-2019, an additional two Sparkle Care centres will be opened in a bid to expand the Foundation’s capacity to provide senior care. Currently, there are three Sparkle Care centres islandwide.

“We are also creating more opportunities for the young to build stronger bonds with our seniors by organising inter-generational activities at both PCF Sparkletots and PCF Sparkle Care,” said PCF Chief Executive Mr Victor Bay.

During the Family Day event, PAP Members of Parliament raised S$666,000, and proceeds from the fundraising will be channelled into 21 charities and causes.

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