PM Lee Hsien Loong at People’s Association Kopi Talk held at Ci Yuan Community Club.

Prime Minister Office (PMO) has announced on Tuesday (19 December) that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be on overseas leave from 19 to 31 December 2017.

It stated that during his absence, Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Minister for Transport & Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security will be the Acting Prime Minister for the periods 19 to 25 December and 26 to 31 December 2017 respectively.

PM Lee also wrote a post on his Facebook page regarding his leave, saying that he will be on leave until the new year.

“This season is one of the best times in the year: the Christmas decorations, the festive atmosphere, and young ones enjoying holidays with family and friends. There’s magic in the air,” he wrote.

In his post, PM Lee mentioned the release of the Star Wars movie, saying, “Of course, with the new Star Wars movie out, it might just be The Force, too! Spotted quite a few fans on a jalan-jalan to Orchard Road a few weeks ago to view the Christmas light up.”

“Also managed to catch the decorations at the Marina Bay area and Gardens by the Bay. It’s Christmas time in the city, and there’s much to see and do!” he added.

The Prime Minister then said tah he wiill try to update as and when he see anything interesting.

“Have a good holiday, and (to certain fans) May The Force be with you!” he ended his post.

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