Source : Shutterstock.

National Environment Agency (NEA) reported two new cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection from the Glasgow Road area, adding that both cases are from residents in the vicinity.
This new cluster was notified on Thursday (20 April) and the agency has commenced vector control operations and outreach efforts in the cluster area.
The first cluster at Simon Place, has been closed.
The statement from NEA also said that an additional case has also been confirmed at Poh Huat Road West (Nouvelle Park), thus expanding the original cluster at Poh Huat Terrace and Terrasse Lane.
The number of cases reported at the Flower Road and Hendry Close cluster remains at two.
NEA urges residents and stakeholders to maintain vigilance and continue to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats, as there could still be asymptomatic or mild, undiagnosed cases which might result in further transmission of the virus if there are mosquitoes in the vicinity.
The agency noted that it has been conducting preventive inspections in the vicinity even before the cluster at Glasgow Road area was notified to detect and destroy any potential mosquito breeding habitats, as well as continuing with vector control operations in the Flower Road and Hendry Close area as well as the Poh Huat Road West (Nouvelle Park) / Poh Huat Terrace and Terrasse Lane cluster areas.
“Together with grassroots volunteers, outreach efforts are continuing in the vicinity of Flower Road / Hendry Close and Poh Huat Road West (Nouvelle Park) / Poh Huat Terrace / Terrasse Lane to distribute Zika information leaflets and insect repellents to households to raise general awareness of Zika, reiterate the need for source reduction to prevent mosquito breeding and advise residents to apply repellent as a precaution,” the agency stated.
NEA also asks residents to allow its officers to carry out inspections and indoor spraying of their homes, urging all residents and stakeholders to maintain vigilance and take immediate steps to eliminate mosquito breeding habitats by practising the 5-step Mozzie Wipeout.

NEA stressed that most people infected with the Zika virus do not develop symptoms, which heightens the risk of a Zika resurgence as it may take some time before a reintroduced Zika virus is detected.
With the presence of the Aedes mosquito vector here, everyone must continue to maintain vigilance and play his part to prevent future localised transmission through eradicating mosquito breeding habitats in our neighbourhoods.
It also advises members of the public to seek medical attention if they are unwell, especially with symptoms such as fever and rash and should also inform their doctors of the location of their residence and workplace.
Updated information on Zika and details on current clusters can be obtained from NEA’s website: and

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