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The Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GovTech) has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Intent (MOI) with the National University of Singapore (NUS) on Wednesday (29 March) to collaborate in the areas of technological innovation, specifically manpower and capability development for the benefit of public sector agencies.
In a joint statement, NUS and GovTech stated that the two parties will use their respective resources and expertise to enhance the technological capabilities and competencies of public officers and NUS students in the following ways:

  • Knowledge sharing to co-create solutions – GovTech will share its experience and insight on technological innovation gained from public sector projects. NUS will also share insight from their own projects.
  • Deepen data science capabilities – NUS will provide data science training to at least 2,000 public officers annually under this MOI. This looks to improve public officers’ knowledge and understanding of data science to address challenges faced by the public sector. NUS will also help to provide technology expertise and access to professional services required for such training sessions. In addition, GovTech and NUS will identify a data science project to collaborate on.
  • Co-creation of solutions – GovTech and NUS will co-create innovative solutions to challenges faced by the public sector, particularly in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data science. NUS will also work with GovTech to develop methods and processes to strengthen cyber security for public agencies. GovTech and NUS will also form a GovTech-NUS Exchange Programme for personnel to be exchanged and attached to each other’s organisation.
  • Training of students – GovTech and NUS will explore various collaboration models (e.g. internships, final year projects, challenges and hackathons) to develop NUS students and equip them with the right skills to succeed in the future workforce.

They noted that these initiatives aim to complement the recent Committee on the Future Economy recommendations for public officers to pick up skills and innovative thinking methods in order to achieve a well-coordinated, technology-enabled and future-ready public service.
GovTech said that this strategic partnership with NUS is the latest of many that GovTech has formed, and will continue to forge in the future. The most recent tie-up in February saw GovTech put pen to paper on agreements with eight IHLs. GovTech is pleased to welcome NUS to its ever-growing stable of partners.
Ms Jacqueline Poh, Chief Executive, GovTech, said, “Increased adoption of data science in the public sector will transform the way that the Government delivers services to the public. We are glad to partner NUS, which will help us put this tool into the hands of 10,000 public officers over the next five years, and educate them to use it effectively.”
“This will help us improve and quicken our efforts in building Singapore into a Smart Nation. We look forward to working with more parties to make this happen,” she added.
Professor Tan Eng Chye, Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost, National University of Singapore, said, “NUS is pleased that our strong expertise in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and data science will help to accelerate the realisation of Singapore’s Smart Nation vision. Our exciting collaboration with GovTech will train the country’s public officers in the meaningful interpretation and use of big data, and enable a broad and deep exchange of ideas and talent.”
“This new partnership will deepen the technological capabilities of public sector agencies, and be the springboard for co-created innovative solutions to pressing issues of national concern,” he added.

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