Meeting between US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, 22 March 2017 (Source : MFA).

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan had a bilateral meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson which focused on concerns to counter terrorism and violent extremism on Wednesday (22 March).
The Minister also participated in the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition on the Defeat of ISIS hosted by Secretary Tillerson in Washington DC.
MFA stated that Minister Balakrishnan and Secretary Tillerson reaffirmed the deep and multi-faceted relations between Singapore and the US, spanning the defence, economic and security spheres.
Minister Balakrishnan and Secretary Tillerson also discussed regional developments as well as ways in which the US could build on its enduring strategic and economic interests in the Asia-Pacific and strengthen its engagement
“Minister Balakrishnan and Secretary Tillerson also discussed regional developments as well as ways in which the US could build on its enduring strategic and economic interests in the Asia-Pacific and strengthen its engagement of ASEAN,” it stated.
The Ministry also said that Singapore welcomes the Meeting of the Foreign Ministers hosted by Secretary Tillerson.
“Countering terrorism and violent extremism is a key concern for Singapore and the region, given the risks posed by returning ISIS fighters as well as ISIS’ radical propaganda in Southeast Asia,” the Ministry stressed.
MFA noted that Singapore has consistently supported the Coalition’s efforts through contributions of military assets and personnel, and believes in the need for a comprehensive response that encompasses addressing economic, social and political factors.
Minister Balakrishnan will also meet Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) before departing the US for Singapore on Friday.

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