When is an ‘amenity’ not really an amenity

By SingSaver.com.sg When buying a property in Singapore, think twice before paying a premium…

Suggestion of floating nuclear power plants belittles the consequence of catastrophic nuclear accident for Singapore

In an opinion piece by Lim Soon Heng, managing director of Floating…

Personalisation vs Privacy: How brands in Asia-Pacific can do better

Results of the “SAP Hybris Consumer Insight” survey revealed that almost 4…

Respond fast or risk losing customers in Singapore, shows survey by SAP Hybris

Results from the “SAP Hybris Consumer Insight” survey, revealed that responsive customer service,…

Lay-offs and unemployment rose while job vacancies fell in 2016

Singapore labour market went through its roughest patch in 2016. The condition…

Doctors a step closer to give liver cancer patients more healing opportunities

Researchers from the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) and the A*STAR’s Genome…

MPs issue alerts on fake accounts masquerading as them in social media

Cheryl Chan, MP for Fengshan, and Tin Pei Ling, MP for Macpherson…

85,000 employers to receive $660 million in Wage Credit Scheme payouts by 31 March

Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has announced that over 85,000 employers…

Grab vs Uber: Which is the Better Hailing App in Singapore?

By Value Penguin Everyone has heard of Uber and Grab. These two…

Green light to dynamic pricing system for taxi companies

Taxi dynamic pricing in the form of flat fares for trips booked…