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Only 16 LTA enforcement officers to enforce personal mobility devices in Singapore but supported by more than 600 volunteers



Minister for Transport Khaw Boon Wan has stated that 16 Active Mobility Enforcement Officers from the Land Transport Authority (LTA) who are involved in enforcement against errant cyclists and users of personal mobility devices (PMD), are currently supported by more than 600 volunteers under the Active Mobility Patrol scheme.
This is his response to MP for Mountbatten SMC Mr Lim Biow Chuan’s question who asked the Minister for Transport how many enforcement officers will be engaged to conduct enforcement action against errant cyclists or users of personal mobility devices who breach the rules on speeding on footpaths.
Mr Khaw added that LTA is also looking at using other methods such as CCTV cameras to deter offenders.
The Active Mobility Bill was read for the second time in Parliament on Tuesday (10 January) with 13 MPs debating on the matter and passed subsequently on the same day because the ruling party has majority seats.
It said that the Bill empowers the LTA to regulate the types of devices permitted, and the behaviour of device users, on public paths.
In November last year, LTA announced that 20 electric scooters were seized for riding on the road and more than 1,400 notices issued for using non-compliant power-assisted bicycles (PAB) between January and September 2016.
LTA said that it has been stepping up enforcement efforts to deter unsafe and reckless riding behaviour by cyclists and personal mobility device users since May last year.
It also said that more than 860 advisories were issued to cyclists, power-assisted bicycles (PABs) users and personal mobility device (PMD) users caught riding in an unsafe manner on footpaths and cycling paths.
According to LTA, most of the users were observed to be travelling dangerously at high speeds with devices that can go as fast as 70km/h, endangering themselves as well as other road users.

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