Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was scheduled to meet Filipinos today (16 December) who lives in Singapore at the Singapore Expo at the end of his two-day state visit.

Philippines Embassy, Singapore, had earlier written on its Facebook page that they were unable to accommodate any walk-ins to the venue for safety considerations at any time due to the directive of the Singapore Police Force and the building management of the Singapore Expo.


Therefore, only those who have successfully pre-registered were allowed to get inside the venue. It also said that all the doors to the Max Pavilion/Hall would be closed by 5pm sharp.

Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.

Crowds were seen queueing to get inside the venue.

Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.

People were seen waiting outside the venue.

Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.
Source : Philippine Embassy, Singapore, Facebook page.

Philippines Senator Alan Peter Cayetano posted a picture of people inside the building waiting for the President to come. While waiting, Filipino talents were being featured.

The photos and video of the venue show a massive turn out by what is assumed to be Filipinos in support of their newly elected President.


He also posted Filipino Community on stage in Singapore.


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