Dr Ang Hak Seng

Ministry for Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) has announced the change of Commissioner of Charities (COC).

Dr Ang Hak Seng will assume his position as Commissioner of Charities-Designate with effect on 16 January 2017, taking over Mr Low Puk Yeong, who was appointed Commissioner of Charities (COC) since 2006.

The Ministry said that Dr Ang, who is currently Chief Executive Director (CED) of the People’s Association (PA), will also take on two other appointments: Executive director at the Registry of Co-operative Societies and Mutual Benefit Organisations (RCS) and Deputy Secretary-Designate to lead Singapore Cares, a national movement for a more inclusive society. Mr Low will also step down from his post as senior director at RCS on 16 January 2017.

Dr Ang was appointed CED of the PA on 1 April 2013. This came after he served as a grassroots leader in Yuhua and a councillor in South-West Community Development Council for 15 years.

He worked with the Charity Council to strengthen the Code of Governance to promote self-regulation in the charity sector. He also helped conduct reviews of the Co-operative Societies Act and the Mutual Benefit Organisations Act as senior director of the RCS to better regulate the sector.

The Ministry also said that Mr Ang’s vacated post as PA CED will be filled by Brigadier-General Tan Kok Ming Desmond, who will be appointed PA’s CED-Designate on 2 January and be officially appointed CED on 16 January.

BG Tan has held various appointments in the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) and the Singapore Armed Forces. These include commanding officer of 1st Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment, commander of 3rd Singapore Infantry Brigade, and director of Mindef Public Affairs.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Chan Chun Sing thanked Mr Ang for his work at the PA, saying “As CED, Dr Ang has made enormous contributions to PA.”

“On behalf of the PA board of management, I would also like to welcome Tan Kok Ming Desmond to the PA. I look forward to his contributions to the PA and our nation,” he added.

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