Roy Ngerng Yiling and Teo Soh Lung are now being extensively investigated for their alleged offence for posting posts on their Facebook account during the recent Bukit Batok By-election Cooling Off Day.
The Election Department had earlier filed police reports against the two individuals for allegedly violating the parliament election act, by posting posts that promote candidates on cooling off day. (read here)
Instead of being released after their 2-hr interview at Cantonment Police Station today at 10am, the police escorted the two back to their respective home to conduct their search on the premises.

The two had their house searched over 2.5 hours by the police after a 2 hr interview at Cantonment police station this morning.
The two are not allowed to make any phone calls with their phone and worried friends are now outside their flat waiting for them to come out as the door to their homes are locked from within.
It is understood that 3 policemen were with Roy Ngerng in his house during the search and the search was conducted over 2 hours. Roy came out of his residence near 3pm with the police and was brought back to cantonment police station to be further investigated for his offence.
Roy is said to be released from the police station at around 6pm on Tuesday.
In all, 2 laptops, 2 hard drives, memory cards and mobile phone was seized from Roy’s residence by the police.

Teo says the police did not give her a search warrant to search her home. They said it was not necessary because it was in the course of an investigation.
The police left Teo’s house with her phone and laptop but did not bring her back to the police station. It is said that the police noted that she was not required to follow them back to the police station.
The police has seized the items of Teo on the basis that since the offence that she allegedly committed is a seizable offence, they have the right to hold the items that she might have committed the offence on.
TOC understands that a defence was made at the spot saying that Teo does not deny that she made the post and asked why is there a need to seize physical evidence to prove her “wrong”. The police still went ahead to confiscate the items. When friends of Soh Lung tried to argue with the police on the matter, the police threatened to take action against them if they were to obstruct the course of duty of the officers.
Under the act, any person who is found guilty of violating the cooling off day regulation will be fined for a sum of not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisoned for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.
The Assistant Returning Officer from the Elections Department who filed the report has not been identified. The Election Department is housed under the Prime Minister’s office.

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