Goh, right

During an impromptu press conference in Aljunied on Sunday morning, Emeritus Senior Minister said it was “not necessary” to send the prime minister or deputy prime minister to contest in Aljunied GRC against the Workers’ Party team.

Mr Goh, a former prime minister himself, was reacting to news that the Workers’ Party (WP) has decided that all its members of parliament in the GRC would remain to defend their seats in the upcoming elections.

In recent days, the leaders of the People’s Action Party have been attacking the Workers’ Party and the PAP’s first assistant secretary general, Teo Chee Hean, had said the PAP wants to win Aljunied and to :go in and clean up the mess”, referring to claims that the Workers’ Party town council was in some financial difficulty.

Mr Teo’s remarks led to some asking if the PAP would field a big name minister to lead the PAP team there in the elections, rather than the unknowns who were seen with Mr Goh on Sunday.

Such a notion, however, seems to have been dismissed by Mr Goh.

“It doesn’t matter who they send,” he said, referring to the WP. “We will send the right team for Aljunied. And the right team doesn’t mean prime minister, deputy prime minister, to come over here to contest. It’s not necessary. So the fact that they are having the same team over here shows that they take our team here seriously.”

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