Image – Law Society Singapore website
Image - Law Society Singapore website
Image – Law Society Singapore website

The Law Society Singapore and the five Community Development Councils (CDCs) will jointly host Law Awareness Week 2015, which aims to increase public awareness about access to justice.

This is the first time that the CDCs are working with the Law Society to introduce a series of law talks to the residents in the public and private estates across the five CDC districts, to be held in various venues including community centres.

About 3,000 residents are expected to attend 30 sessions.

In a media release, the Law Society said that the talks would “promote awareness, instil a basic understanding of the law, and empower Singaporeans to navigate basic legal issues”.

“Presentations on Cyber Wellness, Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights will also serve to enlighten and inform on laws that are increasingly relevant in our modern digital age. In addition, topics on Consumer Protection Rights and Employment Rights that affect all Singaporeans on a daily basis will also be covered for audiences at all stages of life.”

The talks are tailored to non-legally trained audiences, with the aim of breaking down “legal jargon” into terms that are easier to understand.

“It is just as important for the man on the street to have a basic awareness of the law as this helps to strengthen access to justice,” said Senior Minister of State for Law Indranee Rajah to media. “Knowing what the law is… and what to do when faced with a legal issue or problem – that gives an individual greater confidence in handling legal issues.”

Some talks will be free while others will be ticketed or by invitation only. Members of the public can sign up through the various CDCs or community centres.

Programmes and topics are available on the Law Society’s website.

In conjunction with the talks, the NUS Pro Bono Group will also hold their “Golden Years” project, which involves students befriending the elderly, allowing them to engage and encourage attendance at legal talks pertaining to them.

Students will also act as translators and/or companions during the talks on advance planning issues, will will cover topics such as wills, CPF deceased nominations and the Human Organ Transplant Act.

Adapted from media reports.

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