tokio marine advertisement

A reader, Ms Candy Tan wrote in to express her concern about an advertisement (shown above) posted by Tokio Marine Insurance Group.

The advertisement writes, “Yesterday, he took care of me. Today, I’m returning the favour.”

She said, “What values are they incorporating? That raising our parents is returning favour?”. Ms Tan felt that the wording used is wrong to communicate filial piety.

“I am just angered by the advertisement. Taking care and loving parents is definitely NOT Favour returning” and asked how could a life insurance company instill such values. “Parents gave birth to us, brought us up, loved us” added Ms Tan.

“There are so many young people taking the train daily. How would they see this advertisement?”

When contacted about the reader’s feedback, Tokio Marine replied, “We appreciate the feedback shared by the reader. Tokio Marine Insurance Group corporate philosophy has always taken a customer-centric approach in all we do. The advertisement is intended to communicate the family values of filial piety, gratitude and responsibility of the son wanting to care for his father.”

What are your thoughts about the advertisement?

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