Yang Yin
Yang Yin
Chinese national and Singapore permanent resident, Yang Yin, is under investigation by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
While the ministry did not reveal much to the media, it is believed that it is looking into Mr Yang’s employment pass (EP) application which the ministry approved in 2009, and it is also looking into the dance studio company which Mr Yang had set up in 2009.
Since Mr Yang’s case came into the spotlight, there have been allegations that the dance studio he set up, together with 87-year old Mdm Chung Khin Chun, was a shell company to help him obtain his permanent residency.
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), the regulatory body for businesses in Singapore, said it is “assisting other government agencies to determine if the company or its officers have breached any statutory duties”.
Mr Yang is in the centre of several investigations by the authorities, and several other court cases, which includes an ongoing tussle over the control of the assets of Mdm Chung.
According to news reports, Mr Yang had first applied to be a Singapore PR in 2010, but this was rejected.
Intan Yang YinHe applied again in 2011, after having worked in Singapore for about two years, and this time his application was approved.
It has since emerged that Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio GRC, Intan Azura Mokhtar, had written a letter of “appeal” on behalf of Mr Yang’s PR application in 2011.
She said she did so after Mdm Chung had approached her.
Mr Yang had also been volunteering in the Jalan Kayu grassroots, a precinct within Ang Mo Kio GRC.
Earlier in the week, the Office of Public Guardian (OPG) revealed that it had applied to the courts to suspend Mr Yang’s and Mdm Hedy Mok’s (Mdm’s Chung’s niece) legal roles in overseeing Mdm Chung’s welfare and assets.

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