A 42-year-old woman was charged with the murder of her seven-year-old son at the State Courts yesterday. The woman is accused of causing her son’s death at around 12.53pm on Saturday.
The boy’s body was found at the foot of a Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat in Tampines, after police responded to a call for assistance. The police said that they received the call at 1.02pm on the day itself.
The boy was later pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics after he succumbed to injuries, which are said to be consistent with those resulting from a fall from height.
The woman was taken into custody by the police on Sunday from her home at Block 815 in Tampines Avenue 4.
The boy is reportedly autistic and had been living with his parents, elder brother and grandmother the past five years.
The accused has been remanded for psychiatric assessment and her case will be heard on Oct 7th.
If convicted of murder, she could face the death penalty or life imprisonment.
A gag order has been issued by the court to protect the victim’s identity.

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