NDP2014 to focus on Singaporeans
img_theme_logo2This year’s national Day Parade will centre on getting Singaporeans actively involved in the celebrations. Themed “Our People, Our Home”, NDP2014 will include run-up activities such as outreach programmes for children, and a pre-parade carnival with games and entertainment. Students will also get to train with the Singapore Armed Forces’ Red Lions parachute team for a day. The parade day itself will also be missing a new theme song, with organisers opting for re-runs of “Home” and “Stand Up For Singapore”.
Colonel Wong Yu Han, chairman of the NDP 2014 Executive Committee, said that the theme for 2014 is about celebrating “the can-do attitude and caring spirit that hold us together and make Singapore our home.”
Yale-NUS launches NGO bootcamp
Yale-NUS College has launched an NGO Bootcamp, with the aim of giving its students a glimpse of how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) work and inspire them to pursue careers in the non-profit sector. The five-day attachment programme, from May 14 to 18, will see students learn essential skills and knowledge required for working in the non-profit sector through workshops, seminars and case studies. The programme is supported by the National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) and World Relief.
Sports Hub to be open to public at low cost from next month
Members of the public will be able to enjoy facilities at the Sports Hub at low cost, and some for free for a limited time, when the S$1.3 billion complex opens next month. Free activities include introductory lessons for various sports, and use of the Aquatic Centre and the Water Sports Centre. The Sports Hub is touted to be the first such facility to be constructed principally for use by both the public and high-performance athletes.
Sports Hub Pte Ltd managing director Mark Collins was quoted by media as saying, “We want every Singaporean to know that these facilities now exist and are open, and what they can do with them. We are going to have this introductory period, a free sample, come and test-drive – call it what you will. We want it to be at no charge, so people can have a free taste of what we have to offer.”
Free World Cup screenings at community clubs
The People’s Association (PA) will be partnering SingTel and Singapore Pools to screen all 64 matches of the World Cup event at 30 community clubs (CCs) islandwide next month. PA is working with the 30 CCs to decide which matches to show. The public can find screening schedules at www.pa.gov.sg by 26 May.
Man sacked for vulgar comments on PM’s Mother’s Day FB post
Mr Ridhuan Abdullah, 30, was sacked from his job at Keith Morton, a security firm, after posting vulgarities on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s Facebook page, in response to the PM’s Mother’s Day message. The company’s owner said that Mr Ridhuan had breached the company’s code of conduct and that suck actions cannot be tolerated.
Record 76 healthcare workers receive Healthcare Humanity Award
The Healthcare Humanity Award, first established in 2004 to recognise the efforts of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) healthcare workers, saw a record number of 76 healthcare workers from 26 public hospitals, polyclinics, nursing homes and related organisations received a silver medallion and a cash prize of S$1,500 this year.

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本地善心人士越南遇车祸,Give.asia 助募款度难关

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