Nominate your NMP!
Public nominations for Nominated Members of Parliament open today. The submissions will then be sent to the Special Select Committee of Parliament, who will further select from the list and propose for appointment by the President. Nomination forms are available here.

Couples to co-rent larger flats
As the number of applications for the Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme (PPHS) dropped, the government is considering allowing some couples to co-rent these larger flats. Introduced in March last year as part of the marriage and parenthood package, PPHS is meant to give young couples a temporary home while their HDB flats are being built.
Climate change – not my problem?
A survey by the National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS), showed that only 39% of respondents felt action on climate change was their responsibility, dropping from 55% last year. The government has attributed this to the bad haze last year, as half of the respondents cited “clearing of forests” as a key cause of climate change. Nevertheless, the survey also showed that more than 80% adopted “climate-friendly behaviour”.
More CCTVs, upgrades for checkpoints
Following breaches to security at the Woodlands checkpoint earlier this year, the government will be installing more CCTVs and enhanced security barriers to bolster security. installing more CCTVs and as an interim measure to bolster security. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority is also conducting daily checks on the security barriers to ensure proper functioning.
Man who set himself on fire died
42-year-old Singaporean, Mr Stephen Lew, who set himself on fire in Johor Baru on Saturday morning has died from his injuries.
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【选举】罗文丽:詹时中仍关心政治 希望更多反对党打入国会

昨日(7日),前波东巴西议员詹时中的太太罗文丽,在接受《联合晚报》采访时透露詹时中的近况。 罗文丽称,詹时中仍关心时事,在家也会看电视关注选举近况;而罗文丽出去助选回到家也会告知他一整天发生的事。 她很欣慰大家都很关心詹时中,且很多人都记得他,“他热爱、心系政治,心系人民,即使退休但是心和热枕都还在。” 罗文丽也认为,投给人民党一票,也等同投给詹时中,给予后者支持,因为后者也希望国会能看到更多反对党。 去年10月,人民党迎来领导层更迭,詹时中也卸下长达23年的秘书长一职。 詹时中已引领人民党近25年,更早在1984年,即成功赢得波动巴西议席,在该选区默默服务长达27载。惜后来身体欠恙,他最近一次出席的公众活动,是在去年8月22日的詹时中体育基金会募款晚宴。 至于罗文丽在2011-2015年间担任非选区议员,同样曾在波动巴西选区参选两次。在2011年,他仅以114票败给行动党候选人司徒宇斌。不过在任议员期间,罗文丽亦积极在国会反映和参与多项课题的辩论。 许多民众都会记得詹时中确实勤于走访选民,即使是这小小的动作,都能让人动心,是其他宏图大业也无法取代的。 至于此次选举角逐波东巴西议席的乔立盟,则立志延续詹时中精神,继续为该区居民服务。

李总理刚赞《联合早报》公信力 却被网民揭抄假新闻挨批

昨日,在《联合早报》一则报导称,总理李显龙呼吁新加坡媒体维持高度公信力,为读者带来高素质和可信的报导。 他是在出席《联合早报》创刊95年周年晚宴时指出,在假消息无处不在的年代,媒体公信力显得格外重要。 他赞扬《联合早报》走过95载,已建立口碑和公信力。 在早期中美关系紧张时,《联合早报》 不偏不倚呈现各方立场。至于对大中华地区读者来说,《联合早报》是外国媒体,但是对这些地区的国情和文化,有一定认识和了解,又能在旁观者视角,客观看待问题。 言犹在耳,《联合早报》今日一则有关中国大陆安排专车,协助受困关系机场陆客撤离的报导,指台湾游客要上车,就要承认自己是“中国人”,结果被网民揭发未经查证即转载报导,也引起一些中国读者的不满。 强烈台风“飞燕”郭靖日本关系地区,各国游客滞留关西机场。中国大陆驻大阪领事馆,在9月5日安排交通去接送大陆游客,有台湾媒体却称,受困台湾游客只要自称是“中国人”就可以搭车离开,但马上就遭到台湾旅客驳斥。 根据一名当时滞留关西机场的台湾旅客Eva Hsu所言,虽然大陆大使馆未派车到关西机场,但是有要求日本官方南海电车交通车,协助派车将中国人载出机场。过程中,旅客也从未被询问来自哪里。 网民梁华国在《联合早报》留言,指出大家都是同胞,互相帮忙英国的,“我们虽用心无愧,也架不住整天被人这样造谣啊,幸好那些有乘中国使馆车出去的台湾同胞有良心,直到为我们说句公道话,否则又要中箭了。” Chian Chin…