~ By Kumaran Pillai ~

Yaw Shin Leong finally breaks his silence and has written a letter to the residents of Hougang to support the Wokers' Party in the upcoming by election on the 26th of May 2012. The Hougang SMC seat became vacant after he was expelled from the party in February this year. Below is a copy of the letter that he had sent to his supporters earlier today. 

This article is published by The Online Citizen, 20 Maxwell Road, #09-17 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113.

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对于打击网络假消息,前人民行动党法律顾问兼国会议员殷吉星(Inderjit Singh)表示,新加坡可能在这方面领先多国,但前提是将《防止网络假信息和网络操纵法案》“做对”(done right)。 殷吉星曾于1996年至2015年期间,担任国会议员,这些年也身兼多职,包括担任财政部以及贸易和工业部的国会委员会(Government Parliamentary Committee)。 根据他5月1日刊登于《南华早报》文章中,殷吉星指《防假消息法》是虽合乎时宜,但他提醒政府不应轻视各界提出的忧虑,推行这草案的风险很高,且涉及面极广,会带来深远影响。 多个公民社会组织和专家,此前已发声发表达他们的关注,认为《防假消息法》赋予的过大权利、模糊定义的条款等,将会对言论自由产生影响。 殷吉星虽认同,部长应对假消息作出迅速决定,但他也提醒新草案提供的追索上诉权益仍不足。如果涉事者要上诉,却必须向下令采取行动的部长提呈,间中无可避免会出现偏差。 上诉程序需简易可负担得起 再者,人们也质疑向法庭上诉的程序,这对很多人来说都是经济负担。 就这些问题,殷吉星建议,设立独立委员会来审查上诉案件,而不应由让部长本身来负责。…

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