The following is a letter from Mr Richard O’Barry to Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) and the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) on the importation of 23 wild dolphins from the Solomon Islands by RWS for entertainment purposes at its Integrated Resort in Singapore. Mr O’Barry heads The Dolphin Project at the Earth Institute, which works to free and prevent wild dolphins from captivity.

Singaporeans and the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) are also calling on RWS to free the dolphins. (Visit ACRES Facebook page for more.)

Support the campaign “Save the World’s Saddest Dolphins”.

May 28, 2011

Mr. Tan Hee Teck, CEO

Resorts World Sentosa

Cc Ms Aw Kah Peng, CEO

Singapore Tourism Board

Dear Mr. Tan:

I am contacting you on behalf of the Dolphin Project of Earth Island Institute. Our organization is working to protect dolphins around the world and prevent dolphins from being removed from the wild for captivity.

We know that Resorts World Sentosa has dolphins now being kept in the Philippines that were captured in the waters of the Solomon Islands.

We would like to offer the possibility of setting up a rehabilitation and release project for these dolphins in conjunction with Resorts World. Your cooperation would ensure that these dolphins be returned to their natural habitat where they can thrive, as opposed to keeping them in captivity, separated from their original home range, their pod and their extensive social environment.

In helping return these dolphins, Resorts World would show the people of Singapore and the world that you are a true steward of the environment and a responsible company sensitive to the harm captivity inflicts on dolphins.

We have reached an arrangement with the villagers of the Solomon Islands for them to stop killing dolphins in exchange for funding from Earth Island to help develop alternative energy, clean water, and sustainable fishing. We believe that if the people of the Solomon Islands can end their 450-year-old hunts to help dolphins, Resorts World can too.

We know the people of Singapore love dolphins. Most Singaporeans would object to keeping dolphins in captivity if they knew the dangers to the dolphins and the horrific capture practices of the Solomon Islands and other dolphin capture countries.

Thank you for your consideration of our proposal.


Richard O’Barry

Marine Mammal Specialist

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