The latest version of this year’s National Day theme song, “Our Singapore”, has been released online.

[youtube id=”urEMOZZaLR8″ align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”yes” maxwidth=”600″]

This version of the song will be performed by JJ Lin at the National Day Parade, to follow the earlier published version by composer Dick Lee.

[youtube id=”-docVbsuMFU” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”600″]

The upbeat and joyful version by Lin was supposed to have been released earlier, but as the release date was mere days after the death of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Lee opted not to.

“The original version of the song was upbeat…it wasn’t the right time (to release it), it would be inappropriate,” said Mr Lee.

As such, he re-did a slower version of the song to match the somber mood of the grieving period, which was approved by the National Day Parade committee.

On 9 August, Lee’s slow version will be played as a tribute to former PM Lee, while Lin’s happier rendition will go into the finale.

Adapted from media reports.

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