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The authorities have suspended the operation of Orchard Hotel for 30 days after it was found to allow 11 people to gather in a room for a birthday celebration in February.

The Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) said in a statement on Friday (25 Jun) that the hotel can no long take any room bookings from Friday to 24 July.

However, it can still continue to fulfil existing bookings made before the suspension order.

In February, Singapore was in Phase 3 of its reopening, and under the COVID-19 safe management measures that time, hotels were only allowed to have eight or less people in a room, unless they are all from the same household. Phase 3 ran from 28 December 2020 to 15 May this year.

Besides the suspension order, the hotel was also fined S$1,000 for the offence, which happened on 6 February.

“Further investigations of the individuals are ongoing, and enforcement action may be taken against them,” said MSE.

It added, “STB (Singapore Tourism Board) will continue to conduct regular checks and take strict enforcement action against any breaches by hotels and individuals.”

117 individuals fined for breaching COVID-19 rules at parks, beaches

Separately, MSE also revealed that a total of 117 people have been fined at public parks and beaches since the beginning of the Phase 3 (Heightened Alert) period, which started last Monday (14 Jun).

“These breaches include not wearing masks when not engaging in strenuous exercises, and gathering in group larger than the permitted size,” said the Ministry.

17 people were caught gathering in Changi Beach Park, while another group of 13 people was found at East Coast Park.

Apart from these 117 individuals who were slapped with fines, 1,800 advisories were also issued to those who breached the COVID-19 safety measures at the parks and beaches managed by the National Parks Board, MSE noted.

“NParks will temporarily close access to some parks, section of beaches, lawns, and facilities – such as hard courts, shelters and car parks – when these areas get too crowded or where people remain non-compliant with safe management measures, to ensure that the parks remain safe for everyone,” said the Ministry.

It continued, “We request all park visitors to be socially responsible and observe safe management measures such as keeping to the permitted group size, and to wear a mask except when engaging in strenuous exercises or consuming food, drink or medication, to keep our green spaces safe for everyone.”

First-time individual offenders face a composition fine of S$300, whereas repeat offenders will face higher fines, or prosecution in court for egregious cases.

Operators that breach these measures, which include enforcing a 1m safe distance between groups of dines, will also face closures even if it is their first offence.

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