China accuses US admiral of ‘hyping up’ threat of Taiwan invasion

China on Wednesday accused a top US commander of attempting to “hype…

Former full-time NSman detained under ISA for planning to execute knife attack at synagogue; MINDEF says no SAF equipment missing

A former full-time National Serviceman in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has…

Hijab in S’pore’s uniformed professions: Over 50 years of closed-door discussions have brought issue “nowhere”, says SPP’s Khan Osman Sulaiman

More than 50 years of closed-door discussions have brought the issue of…

LinkedIn China suspends new sign-ups to ‘respect law’

Microsoft-owned social network LinkedIn has halted new member sign-ups for its service…

M’sian graphic artist, Fahmi Reza summoned by police over art allegedly satirising Health Minister’s absence during critical time in COVID-19 pandemic

Malaysian graphic artist, Fahmi Reza — well-known for his satirical cartoons and…

应对增长风险 尚穆根称或提升宗教场所保安

一名20岁的前全职国民服役人员阿米鲁,被指计划对本地犹太教徒发动袭击,在今年3月在《内部安全法》下被逮捕。 该名青年打算在某个周六,乘着滑铁卢街犹太教堂(Maghain Aboth Synagogue)举行集体祈祷后,袭击犹太信徒。他计划杀害三名犹太教男子,理由是他认为犹太教男性都曾在以色列服兵役,并曾对巴勒斯坦人“施暴”。 今日(10日),内政暨律政部长尚穆根,也随同穆斯林社群领袖,拜访上述犹太教堂,展示与本地犹太社群同在。 他也透露,考量到日渐增加的风险,宗教膜拜场所的安保或需要重新审视,以保护信徒。但当中也应取得平衡,宗教场所需继续保持开放,也避免变成戒备森严的堡垒要塞。 他也指由于自我激化的“孤狼式恐袭”威胁不断存在,社区的警惕和伙伴关系,仍是捍卫新加坡的主要防线。 他称,一些高风险场所可能采取额外措施,可能是增派保安、增设安保硬件等等。 至于犹太长老拉比莫迪凯·阿贝热尔(Rabbi Mordechai Abergel)也表示,有关犹太教堂已投入资源确保安保工作到位。 本地回教和犹太社群已表态,拒绝任何形式的极端和激进主义,以及暴力行为。…

10 new cases of COVID-19 infection in S’pore; all cases are imported

As of Wednesday noon (10 Mar), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has…

Myanmar security forces target striking railway workers

Hundreds of soldiers and police swooped on a railway station in Yangon…