Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi is in good health under house arrest after being detained in Monday’s military coup, her National League for Democracy press officer...
The planned increase in Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution rates should not be delayed any further as the Government would need to “keep pace with implementation”,...
Some of the airlines flying from India to UAE are reporting that the UAE government has blacklisted some of the COVID-19 test labs in India. Air...
Despite making “a very small improvement” in its total score last year, Singapore remains in the “flawed democracy” category, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)’s...
Political stability in Malaysia “deteriorated” since Mahathir Mohamad left the country’s Prime Minister post, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)’s Democracy Index for 2020. Malaysia,...
全国职工总会副秘书长黄志豪建议,政府应按原定计划,从2022年7月起,调高退休和再雇佣年龄顶限。 去年5月,政府为了减轻企业在疫情下负担,而宣布年长员工公积金缴交率的调高,从原定今年1月1日,延缓一年落实。 但职总却认为,应该按劳资政去年达成的共识,从明年1月起开始调高。 黄志豪称,考量到整体的劳动市场的反应以及政府提供的协助、以及当前疫苗计划已推行,“我们认为这是可以进行的,因为我们本就要为我们年长员工的退休储蓄铺路。” 他指截至去年6月,即便在疫情下本地年长员工就业率,仍增加近1个百分点,为此认为年长员工的就业率已趋向稳定。 他指出,目前更多企业意识到年长员工的重要。黄志豪也呼吁雇主,在转向数码化和灵活工作下,不忽略年长员工的机会和培训。 回溯2019年,总理在国庆群众大会演说,宣布政府将在2021年迈出第一步,在未来十年逐步把退休年龄和重新雇佣年龄,分别调高至65岁和70岁。
Several hundred teachers and students protested at a Myanmar university Friday as the military widened a dragnet against officials ousted in a coup that has drawn...
The police have issued a warning against plans to hold protests in Singapore with regard to the ongoing political situation in Myanmar. In a statement on...
本月2日,盛港集选区议员林志蔚,提呈国会提问,询问政府是否有意扩大黄丝带计划范围?包括让那些非暴力犯罪的前罪犯,在很长一段时间行为良好的前提下,在成功重返社会后有资格撤销他们的犯罪记录。藉此,无需在求职时申报这些记录。 然而,律政暨内政部长尚穆根,在脸书分享针对林志蔚的书面答复,提及删除非暴力前囚犯记录的风险,形容性诱拐(sexual grooming)、非礼、刑事失信、入室行窃等,都属非暴力罪行。 尚穆根更举例,有29岁英国籍阅读班教师在上课时非礼3岁女学生,“若采纳议员的建议,是否意味着此人还能在雇主不知情情况下,继续与孩童共处,新加坡家长会感到舒服吗?” 又或者,在雇主不知情下,将入屋行窃前科者聘雇为公寓保安,尚穆根认为此举并不明智。 他也强调,在安全和透明方式下,政府改造和协助前犯罪者就业,而现有框架也在不断完善。 黄丝带新加坡(YRSG),旨在协助前囚犯重犯社会,包括加深技能、培训和提供就业机会等。 [The risks in MP Jamus Lim’s suggestion that records of criminal history of ex-offenders be removed] MP Jamus Lim…...
As of Friday noon (5 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 25 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...